It’s been a while since I posted and a while since I really started working with UCS. I am getting ready to setup a new deployment of UCS and I have a few questions that I was hoping the community might have some insight on.
First, what I am planning is two sites that will be public website. My intention is to use UCS for user control/management with LDAP. There are also some of the UCS apps that I thought about using. So Ill list them here as independent or UCS hosted. For reference sake well call the domain MyDOMAIN.COM
I intend for NextCloud and the Wordpress site to be accessible external from the internal network. The network for all of this is separate completely from my internal network. Access to the servers and services is only by the internet not the internal office network. The servers are on their own network that is fire walled and port mapped to Static IPs for subdomains.
Example:, something along those lines.
NextCloud (Independent Server from UCS)
Wordpress (Independent Server from UCS. I have thought about using the Wordpress app in UCS but that is a new one to me so I’m not familiar with it running on UCS.)
Onlyoffice Doc Server (UCS, I have not read up on the UCS version but my intention was to use it with Nextcloud if that’s possible.)
Mail (UCS. The UCS install will have its own domain that I would like to setup and use the mail functionality on a small scale. Mostly for internal servers and services that the public never see. It would just be for me. For reference sake well call the domain MyDOMAIN.COM)
UCS (Is it okay you run UCS as its own site? Am I just setting myself up for failure?)
None of these systems are mission critical this is more of personal project, however I do not want to build this project out and think it is a good idea but in reality is a very bad idea.
UCS would by my central management point for users and the email server for the Would it be okay if I did have my USC install accessible from the internet? I realize that it would need some access just because I intend to use the email functionality of it. My gut tells me no, but with all that I have read it seems like this is not such a big deal, or am I just trying to rationalize a bad idea?
Thanks, in advanced for your time.