Nested groups in ox

Hi NG,

is there a way to make OX working with the nested groups feature (
) in Univention Corporate Server? It seems that OX is just ignoring nested groups as members of a group.

We have 2 ldap groups “department-a” and “deparment-b”. These groups are netsted into a group named “company”. When you check the planning view of the calendar in OX GUI, you’ll just see an empty group “company”.

When you do a

getent groups|grep company 

via shell,you’ll get a list of all the members of the groups “deparment-a” and “deparment-b”.




as far as i can say after verifying that nested groups are not resolved in OX and looking at the listener script is that obviously only “memberUid” entries are considered as group-members.

Best Regards,
Dirk Ahrnke

Thank you for your message.

What a pity! That would be a great feature and a nice way building transparent and consistent organisational structures.


Event this is a pretty old topic, I’d like to know if there is a feature request somewhere. (or where to open)
