Mount home dir from server / Roaming profies on ubuntu clients


i tried so many things and I am pretty frustrated.

Target/what i want to accomplish:
Whenever a user logs into any joined ubuntu client machine, they shall be able to login with their UCS credentials AND they should get their home dir automatically mounted/synched from the server.


  • I got X ubuntu machines and Y>X users with their own accounts on the UCS.

  • I made a share dir home_directories with path /home

  • For User Alice (example User in my case) i have set account->POSIX : unix homedirectory = /home/alice
    and home share = “home (/home on ucs-xxx/mydomain.intranet)” with home share path = alice

  • User Alice can connect to it via `smbclient -U Alice@MYDOMAIN.INTRANET //IP/home_directories
    but the dir is empty

I searched on so much documents, but they seem to focus on windows machines.

That one is pretty old (aint tried to set the UCR variable yet.

Maybe someone can guide me through this.

Maybe @kkorte can help with this in combination with ubuntu?


I can’t help you on the subject of roaming profiles.

I have tried a long time ago to mount the user home under Linux via CIFS/SMB. However, the desktop (Linuxmint 20 / Cinnamon) behaved more than strange. I then mounted it via NFSv4.

It is possible that I did something wrong.

with best

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Tha k you for replying.
That’s a real mess. Univention says it supports Ubuntu but fails on what I assume “standard scenario”

Did you achieved this in combination with univention credentials?
And if how did you?

What exactly achieved? The sync of the home to the local machine (roaming) via SMB/CIFS? No, I don’t use that. I have mounted the user home via NFSv4.

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Hos is the procedure to mount from UCS via NFSv4?
Can you use the “share” function from the UCS and how do you authenticate to mount the home dir via NFS? Are these credentials synched with the UCS Account profile?

Enable NFS sharing on the UCS. The client must be joined to the domain. Enter the mount in the fstab as usual under Linux.

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