Missing ox-common.mo? Can't login to UMC anymore

it happened sometimes in the past two weeks. Today i couldn’t Login to the webgui UMC anymore.
ssh is okay, so i could get some errormessages:

root@srv1:/var/log/univention# tail management-console-server.log portal.log
==> management-console-server.log <==
21.06.24 15:58:49.683 MAIN ( WARN ) : Shutting down all open connections
21.06.24 15:58:49.683 DEBUG_EXIT
21.06.24 15:59:41.396 DEBUG_INIT
21.06.24 16:09:23.643 MAIN ( PROCESS ) : LDAP bind for user 'uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=…
21.06.24 16:09:23.653 LOCALE ( WARN ) : Could not find translation file: ‘ox-common.mo’

==> portal.log <==
2382 user 24-06-21 16:04:21 [ ERROR]: request failed: HTTP 401: Unauthorized
2382 user 24-06-21 16:04:21 [ DEBUG]: no user found
2382 user 24-06-21 16:04:38 [ DEBUG]: searching user for cookies={‘UMCLang’: ‘de-DE’, ‘UMCSessionId-8083’: 'b8927abe-177e-4f1…, ‘open-xchange-shard’: ‘default’, 'open-xchange-session-fP…
2382 user 24-06-21 16:04:38 [ ERROR]: request failed: HTTP 401: Unauthorized
2382 user 24-06-21 16:04:38 [ DEBUG]: no user found
2382 user 24-06-21 16:09:23 [ DEBUG]: searching user for cookies={‘UMCLang’: ‘de-DE’, ‘UMCSessionId-8083’: 'b8927abe…, ‘open-xchange-shard’: ‘default’, 'open-xchange-session-…
2382 user 24-06-21 16:09:23 [ ERROR]: request failed: HTTP 401: Unauthorized
2382 user 24-06-21 16:09:23 [ DEBUG]: no user found

Server is up2date (5.0.8 errata1067) and fresh rebooted.

Regards, P.M.
