Mattermost doesn't pull in users or authenticate


I have 3 users in Univention that have been tagged as Mattermost users. When I do an AD/LDAP sync via Mattermost, it pulls in a single user only. That user cannot login to Mattermost.

Does anyone have this running? Is it working for them?


Hi @gbr,

I heard of a similar report already, but did not yet have time to dive deeper into this. At the moment I unfortunately do not have a valid license at the moment.

Maybe the folks over at have an idea what could be wrong.

Mattermost is configured for ldap in

Mattermosts LDAP configuration is explained in and

Thanks for the response. I looked at those pages already, but didn’t want to change too much of the autp config. I’ll be working on that now.

I have a support ticket in with them as well, so we’ll see where that goes.


I changed the LDAP settings to what Mattermost recommends, and everything works fine. I lose the Univention Mattermost flag, but that’s not an issue here.

To the benefit of others: these recommendations are?

This lets everyone in my domain login.


hm… with a more simple user filter my Mattermost (version 5.8.0) crashes now.

I reached out to my mattermost contacts to get behind this.

how do you get there?

found ldap test here


and ldap is working, but users cant login?

any idea

ldapsearch -LLL -x -h -p 7389 -D “cn=matte-73503033,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,dc=sysops,dc=local” -w “551aec32df68df060f5c66558b864d48c33291cf892e476508f0c823a15555ee” -b “dc=sysops,dc=local” “(&(uidnumber=pl-info)(&(objectClass=mattermostUser)(mattermostActivated=1)))” uidnumber uid mailPrimaryAddress

tried login with pl-info and primary email

Sorry. All I know is that my setting above work for me. Everyone from my domain can now use Mattermost.


seems i need a license for ldap!
applied for a evaluation and waitung

That’s correct. The LDAP integration of Mattermost is one of the paid-only features. See this page for a full feature comparison between the three editions.

The app description mentions this as well. Including a link to request a trial key.

I had a very similar problem with the current Mattermost Version 5.10. I installed it from App Center and applied for a test licence. After adding it to Mattermost AD/LDAP Integration didn’t work correctly. Connceting to LDAP server did work, but always only one record was queried.

After a bit of debugging I found out that the setting were wrong. uidnumber and uid got mixed up. With Username Attribute = uidnumber and ID Attribute = uid it worked fine.
