Materialverteilung deadline


gebe ich bei einer Materialverteilung eine Deadline ein, so wird diese einfach nicht gespeichert…

root@datensrv:/home/sche/Documents# cat /etc/issue
Univention DC Master 2.4-2-2

root@datensrv:/home/sche/Documents# dpkg -l | grep school
ii ucs-school-import 6.0.23-1.77.201010061125 UCS@School: Importing objects like users and
ii ucs-school-import-schema 6.0.23-1.77.201010061125 UCS@School: LDAP import schema and custom at
ii ucs-school-info 1.0.2-1.3.201009271201 UCS@school: provides info script
ii ucs-school-ldap-acls-master 6.0.2-1.24.201009161502 slapd-ACLs customized for UCS@school
ii ucs-school-netlogon-italc 5.0.3-2.11.201009281240 univention netlogon script
ii ucs-school-netlogon-user-logonscripts 6.0.1-1.5.201009151117 ucs@school userspecific netlogon scripts
ii ucs-school-old-homedirs 6.0.1-1.6.201009151119 UCS@School listener module to move away obso
ii ucs-school-old-sharedirs 6.0.1-1.7.201009151157 UCS@School listener module to move away obso
ii ucs-school-reservation-database 6.0.1-1.9.201009151123 the SQL infrastructure for the reservation s
ii ucs-school-reservation-dbconnector 6.0.1-1.7.201009151124 Database connector for the reservation syste
ii ucs-school-reservation-defaultprofile 6.0.1-1.8.201009151121 Lesson name to realtime mapping for the rese
ii ucs-school-reservation-lessontimes 6.0.1-1.8.201009151121 Lesson name to realtime mapping for the rese
ii ucs-school-scheduler 6.0.1-1.15.201009151126 Scheduling daemon that starts and stops rese
ii ucs-school-singlemaster 3.0.4-2.22.201010051747 UCS@School meta package for UCS DC Master Sy
ii ucs-school-umc-distribution 6.0.5-1.16.201009231158 UMC module to distribute/collect data to/fro
ii ucs-school-umc-helpdesk 5.0.1-1.11.201009151129 Univention Directory Manager module to admin
ii ucs-school-umc-helpdesk-schema 5.0.1-1.11.201009151129 LDAP Schema for univention-management-consol
ii ucs-school-umc-printermoderation 6.0.3-3.16.201009291551 UMC module to moderate print jobs
ii ucs-school-umc-proxysettings 6.0.2-1.13.201009231147 UMC module to administrate squid proxy
ii ucs-school-umc-reservation 6.0.6-1.23.201010041352 UMC module to reserve and assign computer ro
ii ucs-school-umc-roomadmin 7.0.6-1.31.201009271741 UMC module to administrate computer rooms
ii ucs-school-umc-schooladmin 6.0.4-1.22.201009241516 Univention Management Console module to admi
ii ucs-school-webproxy 7.0.8-1.17.201009271348 meta package for UCS@School webproxy



mit welchem Benutzer testen Sie die Materialverteilung aktuell? Finden Sie Hinweise zu dem Vorgang in der Logdatei unter


Weiterhin könnten Sie die Logdateien der UMC überprüfen und ggf. das Loglevel erhöhen.


Loglevel erhöhen:

ucr set umc/module/debug/level=4 umc/server/debug/level=4 umc/web/debug/level=4 /etc/init.d/univention-management-console-server restart

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Tobias Scherer