gebe ich bei einer Materialverteilung eine Deadline ein, so wird diese einfach nicht gespeichert…
root@datensrv:/home/sche/Documents# cat /etc/issue
Univention DC Master 2.4-2-2
root@datensrv:/home/sche/Documents# dpkg -l | grep school
ii ucs-school-import 6.0.23-1.77.201010061125 UCS@School: Importing objects like users and
ii ucs-school-import-schema 6.0.23-1.77.201010061125 UCS@School: LDAP import schema and custom at
ii ucs-school-info 1.0.2-1.3.201009271201 UCS@school: provides info script
ii ucs-school-ldap-acls-master 6.0.2-1.24.201009161502 slapd-ACLs customized for UCS@school
ii ucs-school-netlogon-italc 5.0.3-2.11.201009281240 univention netlogon script
ii ucs-school-netlogon-user-logonscripts 6.0.1-1.5.201009151117 ucs@school userspecific netlogon scripts
ii ucs-school-old-homedirs 6.0.1-1.6.201009151119 UCS@School listener module to move away obso
ii ucs-school-old-sharedirs 6.0.1-1.7.201009151157 UCS@School listener module to move away obso
ii ucs-school-reservation-database 6.0.1-1.9.201009151123 the SQL infrastructure for the reservation s
ii ucs-school-reservation-dbconnector 6.0.1-1.7.201009151124 Database connector for the reservation syste
ii ucs-school-reservation-defaultprofile 6.0.1-1.8.201009151121 Lesson name to realtime mapping for the rese
ii ucs-school-reservation-lessontimes 6.0.1-1.8.201009151121 Lesson name to realtime mapping for the rese
ii ucs-school-scheduler 6.0.1-1.15.201009151126 Scheduling daemon that starts and stops rese
ii ucs-school-singlemaster 3.0.4-2.22.201010051747 UCS@School meta package for UCS DC Master Sy
ii ucs-school-umc-distribution 6.0.5-1.16.201009231158 UMC module to distribute/collect data to/fro
ii ucs-school-umc-helpdesk 5.0.1-1.11.201009151129 Univention Directory Manager module to admin
ii ucs-school-umc-helpdesk-schema 5.0.1-1.11.201009151129 LDAP Schema for univention-management-consol
ii ucs-school-umc-printermoderation 6.0.3-3.16.201009291551 UMC module to moderate print jobs
ii ucs-school-umc-proxysettings 6.0.2-1.13.201009231147 UMC module to administrate squid proxy
ii ucs-school-umc-reservation 6.0.6-1.23.201010041352 UMC module to reserve and assign computer ro
ii ucs-school-umc-roomadmin 7.0.6-1.31.201009271741 UMC module to administrate computer rooms
ii ucs-school-umc-schooladmin 6.0.4-1.22.201009241516 Univention Management Console module to admi
ii ucs-school-webproxy 7.0.8-1.17.201009271348 meta package for UCS@School webproxy