Mapping NAS share automatically to Windows clients

Hi there,
I’ve migrated my Windows Server Domain to UCS-5 recently and struggeling with the automatic mapping of smb/cifs shares to Windows clients.
On the Windows Domain Server I’ve used GPO’s to map smb/cifs shares from a QNAP NAS to the Windows clients and users. The QNAP is part of the domain and the users are assigned to different groups, though get different shares mapped with a drive letter from the NAS.

Actually the group policies aren’t working anymore. Permissions have been checked, and with “net use” commands I can still map the NAS shares to the users.
Although, it seem to me a bid old fashioned to create a logon-sript for each user providing the share drives and letters back to use…

Maybe the issue is still in front of the screen, but appreciate, if one can give me a hint how to map NAS shares to Windows clients automatically at boot/logon.

Have you used the RSAT tools from a windows client to set up the group policies? Mentioned here: Group Policy on Windows Client

The GPO’s have been migrated to the UCS domain during takeover from a Windows Server 2022, downgraded to functional level “2008_R2”.
After the Windows DC’s have been shut down I’m indeed using RSAT to manage the GPO’s.

have you got “Authenticated Users” in the GPO’s Security Filtering?

Yes, “Authenticated Users” is assigned to all GPO’s.

There could be a number of reasons for this not to work.

GPO import/export and the downgrade process. Depending on your client Windows version you might need to configure the GPO differently.

Try to create a new GPO and see if this works.

Also look here as there could be some useful information. If you are on Windows 11 search for issues with samba and GPOs

hope this helps
