Maildisclaimer no disclaimer saved in template folder


I’m using Maildisclaimer on a few installations, resently i reinstalled 2 Domains (to get rid off .local)
Installed UCS4.3.2 and Maildisclaimer 2.2.3 and Kopano as Mailserver

But now no disclaimer is added to mails, what I’ve seen is after creating a new disclaimer (txt and html) the disclaimer is only stored at LDAP but not in filesystem /et/maildsclaimer/template folder is empty, so i copied the old disclaimer files from the purged server to the new one and voila the disclaimers are attached to new mails again !

So why are new disclaimers not saved to filesystem anymore ?


Hello Christian,

for me it looks like we have a problem during the installation of the package. The directory listener script is not installed or removed somehow. Right now I have no idea why this is happening, but I have a workaround.

Run the following command as root user:

apt-get install --reinstall univention-maildisclaimer

Afterwards the script is back again and new templates are exported to the filesystem.

When I find a solution, then I will post it here.

Kind regards,
Christof Musik

Hello Christof,

thx, that seems to work - I’ll give some reply if it does not work - but for now this workaround worked on one of my installations

