Mail-Enabled Security-groups Sync Office 365 Connector


is there a way to enable Mail-Enabled Security-groups (These are Security-groups with an Email Address in MS Exchange Online) in Office 365. At the moment we did not see a possibility to change the Group type in Mail-Enabled in Office 365, because the UCS Connector overwrite this setting.
Also the Connector ignores the Setting at the Settings Panel in the UCS Management Console. The Groups getting always created with no E-Mail-Adresse. We need this functionality for Microsoft Teams to synchronize the Groups, for internal Mailing Lists and so on…


I have created a feature request:

Daniel Tröder

Are there any Updates on this Request?

I already read the Request and reconstructed the Setup:

  • Activated the Office 365 Group Sync

  • Created a Group in UCS -> Advanced settings -> Mail -> inserted a Mail-Adress

  • Group still created as a Security Group in Azure AD not as a Mail-Enabled one

The Feature is required to:

  • Create dynamically Updated Groups in Microsoft Teams / SharePoint / Dynamics 365

  • Mailing-Lists in Exchange Online

If the Group is not Mail-Enabled it simply isn’t available (visible) in Teams.

Alexander Teubner

@troeder This might be the wrong way to support Mail-Enabled Groups in Office 365 with the UCS Connector!

Microsoft Graph (API) doesn’t Support the Creation of " E-Mail-aktivierte Sicherheitsgruppen". But when the Connector could create “Office 365 Groups” this ones have the Mail-Enabled Feature and will be usable e.g. in Teams.

Please Compare the following Table then the Topic should be more clear, to see the Attribute Names switch the Language to the Original en_US Site.

E-Mail-aktivierte Sicherheitsgruppen

So the Following Attributes must be synced to create the Group-Type “Office 365-Group”

  • groupType -> [“Unified”]

  • mail-enabled -> True

  • security-enabled -> False

Alexander Teubner
