Lost performance when updating from Nextcloud Hub 19. to 20.0.2-0

Yesterday I updated our Nextcloud via the Univention portal of our Linux server. Everything worked fine. But Nextcloud is now so slow that you can no longer work with it. The server itself has not lost any performance.

Did someone have this problem during the update. Or does someone have a hunch?

After the update we got the hint:

  • Strict-Transport-Security" HTTP header
  • Resolution of “/.well-known/caldav|carddav” fails
  • Missing database indexes

But I assume that these points have nothing to do with the current poor performance.

Thanks a lot for your support.

Concerning idexes:
do a

univention-app shell nextcloud sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/occ db:add-missing-indices

from command line.
After many updates of Nextcloud this needs to be done, bacause database records and fiels need to be re-indexed due to changes in database structure.

I am not sure, but if I am right it must be two lines

Redirect 301 /.well-known/caldav https://<mydomain>/nextcloud/remote.php/dav
Redirect 301 /.well-known/carddav https://<mydomain>/nextcloud/remote.php/dav

I have the same problem, updated Nextcloud and it became so slow that it is not usable any more. I did the index command in the cli, but it did not lead to any improvement.

I also tried a fresh install, same result. Performance is just horrible.

Before the update, everything was running smoothly…

I took a look at the system perfomance, but everything is fine. CPU and RAM Usage is low. The VM has a sufficient amount of RAM, I also gave it some extra RAM, but this does not lead to a better performance of Nextcloud.

I finally got perfomance back disabling Collabora and Collabora Code following this tip:

Many thanks katzentier!

We would never have thought of that, because we use OnlyOffice.

After deactivating and removing the Collabra Apps everything went as usual.

Yeah, but this is just a workaround…it would be nice to be able to use Nextcloud with Collabora enabled…

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