please help me with a problem I have with ldapsearch:
In the console, using
univention-ldapsearch "(&(objectClass=person)(uid=testuser))"
fetches all data of a user.
When I replicate the request using ldapsearch, I have to use
ldapsearch -H ldaps://localhost -x -D "cn=Administrator,cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=local" -w "secretpassword" "(&(objectClass=person)(cn=testuser))"
Notice that uid=testuser in the filter would NOT be working.
While this request works, I only get a reduced set of attributes of the user. But I do need the full set of attributes.
How must the search look like to get all the attributes via ldapsearch?
I cannot use univention-ldapsearch because I have to search from within a python script.
Kind regards,