Kopano Webapp SSO with KeyCloak

Hi experts,
we have running (still) Kopano at UCS 5.0. We are using Keycloak for SSO. Unfortunately I have not managed SSO for Kopano Webapp so far. Found the Script GitHub - Kopano-dev/ucs-oidc-webapp: Configuration helper for OIDC login for Kopano WebApp but this appears too old for UCS 5.0 with Kopano.
Could someone give me some hints to manage SSO for Kopano Webapp for recent versions?

Hi @WSchanz,

yes I think with the replacement of Univentions Saml implementation through Keycloak the documentation you link to will no longer apply 1:1. Most of the steps should however still be the same and only GitHub - Kopano-dev/ucs-oidc-webapp: Configuration helper for OIDC login for Kopano WebApp will need to be modified to talk to the right endpoints in Keycloak, but for that Univention sure has some documentation.

One point I need to raise however: the old Kopano Groupware as it can be installed through the appcenter will soon be end of life and has been replaced by Kopano.cloud, which has received several performance improvements and now has native support for the Windows version of Outlook. While it is not available in the Univention App Center, it can easily be installed as an appliance which is provided by one of our partners. This appliance also comes with documentation on how to connect Kopano.cloud to UCS.
