Kopano Meet not working

Even if I do it again according to the documentation I cannot log in without registration whether I share the link or send it by mail. I am directed to a login page with the request “Choose an account to sign in to Kopano”. I think something else is wrong here. The link is https://my-domain.de/meet/r/group/public/xxx Isn’t that right?

The TURN server is only accessible by subscription, is that correct? In the description of Meet in the UCS Appcenter it reads as like you only need to request access to the service. The link in the Appcenter leads to page “Try Meet Free Community Package”. It’s a bit confusing that you first log in and then get a mail informing you that the TURN server is only available to users with subscription. Could you please make this clearer in the Appcenter?


Can you record you sharing the link with https://birdeatsbug.com/?

No, it should have a #guest=1 at the end of the url.

@UweP did you manage to resolve your issue?

PS: since we are currently working on an app appliance with Meet preinstalled I created a small script to configure the UCS host system to use a single domain for access. The script is part of a currently open pull request and can be found at https://stash.z-hub.io/projects/K4U/repos/kopano-apps/browse/kopano-meet/appliance_hook?at=1821869d2a18af46dd2639ab261e46bc876141cf

No, I couldn’t fix the problem.

I have found out in the tests that Meet can only be used with a TURN service if connections from/to outside your own network are required. But since the access to the TURN service of Kopano is probably connected to a subscription and this is for the occasional private use with 75€ per month a little bit beyond what I am willing to invest for it, I decided to stop testing with Meet. To set up my own TURN server I don’t have the knowledge and the time to get used to it, especially since I read that the setup is not exactly trivial. An installation of a TURN service within UCS is what I would like to have. That would make things round. Is such a thing planned?

Thanks for the help anyway.

Yes, but that is something that is already mentioned in the description of the app.

For optimal effect the turn service should be reachable from two ip addresses and listen on port 443. while the first may be possible on ucs, the second won’t (since the ucs apache is listening there already).

Moved to own thread as by request.

@Christian_Voelker can you move the last post into its own topic?

Hi @kidvidiot,

can you post the information from https://wiki.z-hub.io/display/K4U/Debugging+Kopano+on+Univention#DebuggingKopanoonUnivention-Containerisedapps?

Especially the curl command is interesting.

Thank you for responding so quickly! There is an upgrade in there today, let me execute it and see if that solves the issue! Thanks
Ok the update didnt make the issue go away.

root@ucs-bdc:~# univention-app info
UCS: 4.4-3 errata499
Installed: adconnector=12.0 fetchmail=6.3.26 letsencrypt=1.2.2-8 mailserver=12.0 samba-memberserver=4.7 wekan=3.56 4.3/collabora= 4.3/kopano-meet=2.1.0_0-1 4.3/openid-connect-provider=1.1-konnect-0.23.3 4.3/rocketchat=0.73.2 4.2/owncloud=10.0.9-20180720 4.2/wordpress=4.9.4
Upgradable: wekan collabora rocketchat owncloud wordpress

root@ucs-bdc:~# curl $(ucr get oidc/konnectd/issuer_identifier)/.well-known/openid-configuration
“issuer”: “https://www.mydomain.com”,
“authorization_endpoint”: “https://www.mydomain.com/signin/v1/identifier//authorize",
“token_endpoint”: “https://www.mydomain.com/konnect/v1/token”,
“userinfo_endpoint”: “https://www.mydomain.com/konnect/v1/userinfo”,
“end_session_endpoint”: "https://www.mydomain.com/signin/v1/identifier/
“registration_endpoint”: “https://www.mydomain.com/konnect/v1/register”,
“check_session_iframe”: “https://www.mydomain.com/konnect/v1/session/check-session.html”,
“jwks_uri”: “https://www.mydomain.com/konnect/v1/jwks.json”,
“scopes_supported”: [
“response_types_supported”: [
“id_token token”,
“code id_token”,
“code id_token token”
“subject_types_supported”: [
“id_token_signing_alg_values_supported”: [
“userinfo_signing_alg_values_supported”: [
“request_object_signing_alg_values_supported”: [
“token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported”: [
“token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported”: [
“claims_parameter_supported”: true,
“claims_supported”: [
“request_parameter_supported”: true,
“request_uri_parameter_supported”: false

root@ucs-bdc:/var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/kopano-meet/compose# docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports

kopano_grapi /usr/bin/dumb-init – /kop … Up (healthy)
kopano_kapi /usr/bin/dumb-init – /kop … Up (healthy)
kopano_konnect wrapper.sh Up (healthy) 6777/tcp, 8777/tcp
kopano_kwmserver docker-entrypoint.sh wrapp … Up (healthy) 6778/tcp, 8778/tcp
kopano_meet /kopano/start-service.sh Up (healthy)
kopano_ssl /start.sh Exit 0
kopano_web docker-entrypoint.sh wrapp … Up (healthy)>2015/tcp, 443/tcp, 80/tcp

i think i had the same problem. After reading the other thread i found, that @raceface2nd has done this:

a2enconf openid-connect-provider.conf
systemctl reload apache2

after that, it runs on my system…

hope this helps

Thank you, I saw that and tried it to no avail!

Hi @kidvidiot,

In your post you are missing the output of ucr dump | grep kopano/docker | grep -v PASSWORD

Since the curl command gets the right output and all containers have started up healthy my only conclusion so far is that oidc/konnectd/issuer_identifier and kopano/docker/FQDN_SSO are pointing to different domains.

Sorry - here you go:

root@ucs-bdc:~# ucr dump | grep kopano/docker | grep -v PASSWORD
kopano/docker/FQDN_MEET: ucsdesigncloud.com
kopano/docker/FQDN_SSO: ucsdesigncloud.com
kopano/docker/GRID_WEBAPP: no
kopano/docker/INSECURE: no
kopano/docker/MEET_GUEST_ALLOW: yes
kopano/docker/MEET_GUEST_REGEXP: ^group/public/.*
kopano/docker/TURN_SERVICE_URL: https://ucs-turn.kopano.com/turnserverauth/

From appearances, it seems like the sign in window from kopano meet is failing to connect with the openID login window in the right place, like they are missing each other

Here is openid-connect-provider


generated by openid-connect-provider app join script, do not edit manually


Kopano Konnect OIDC

ProxyPass /.well-known/openid-configuration http://localhost:8777/.well-known/openid-configuration retry=0
ProxyPass /konnect/v1/jwks.json http://localhost:8777/konnect/v1/jwks.json retry=0
ProxyPassReverse /konnect/v1/jwks.json http://localhost:8777/konnect/v1/jwks.json
ProxyPass /konnect/v1/token http://localhost:8777/konnect/v1/token retry=0
ProxyPassReverse /konnect/v1/token http://localhost:8777/konnect/v1/token
ProxyPass /konnect/v1/userinfo http://localhost:8777/konnect/v1/userinfo retry=0
ProxyPassReverse /konnect/v1/userinfo http://localhost:8777/konnect/v1/userinfo
ProxyPass /konnect/v1/static http://localhost:8777/konnect/v1/static retry=0
ProxyPassReverse /konnect/v1/static http://localhost:8777/konnect/v1/static
ProxyPass /konnect/v1/session http://localhost:8777/konnect/v1/session retry=0
ProxyPassReverse /konnect/v1/session http://localhost:8777/konnect/v1/session
ProxyPass /konnect/v1/register http://localhost:8777/konnect/v1/register retry=0
ProxyPassReverse /konnect/v1/register http://localhost:8777/konnect/v1/register

Kopano Konnect login area

ProxyPass /signin/ http://localhost:8777/signin/ retry=0
ProxyPassReverse /signin/ http://localhost:8777/signin/

I did notice in kopano-meet.conf there is a different port

Header unset X-Frame-Options

Header unset Content-Security-Policy

ProxyPass /meet http://localhost:2015/meet retry=0

ProxyPass /api/config/v1/kopano/meet/ http://localhost:2015/api/config/v1/kopano/meet/ retry=0

ProxyPass /api/gc/v1/ http://localhost:2015/api/gc/v1/ retry=0

ProxyPass /api/kvs/v1/ http://localhost:2015/api/kvs/v1/ retry=0

ProxyPass /meetid/.well-known/openid-configuration http://localhost:2015/.well-known/openid-configuration retry=0

ProxyPass /meetid/ http://localhost:2015/meetid/ retry=0

RewriteEngine On

Meet and PWAs only work on https

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/meet$ [OR]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/meet/

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://ucsdesigncloud.com/meet/ [R,L]

We need to access Meet through the proper domain

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/meet$ [OR]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/meet/

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^ucsdesigncloud.com$ [NC]

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://ucsdesigncloud.com/meet/ [R,L]

Upgrade Websocket connections

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Connection} Upgrade [NC]

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} websocket [NC]

RewriteRule /api/kwm/v2/(.*) ws://localhost:2015/api/kwm/v2/$1 [P,L]

ProxyPass /api/kwm/v2/ http://localhost:2015/api/kwm/v2/ retry=0



hm… with these censored domain names its sadly impossible to say what is exactly wrong here.

Sorry, wasnt sure having it out there was secure or inviting disaster:

root@ucs-bdc:~# ucr dump | grep kopano/docker | grep -v PASSWORD
kopano/docker/FQDN_MEET: belldesigncloud.com
kopano/docker/FQDN_SSO: belldesigncloud.com
kopano/docker/GRID_WEBAPP: no
kopano/docker/INSECURE: no
kopano/docker/MEET_GUEST_ALLOW: yes
kopano/docker/MEET_GUEST_REGEXP: ^group/public/.*
kopano/docker/TURN_SERVICE_URL: https://ucs-turn.kopano.com/turnserverauth/

in each place there is only ‘bell’ replaced by ucs - thanks for looking and just let me know what else is helpful for you!

Ah, so the www. in the openid config windows wasn’t just sloppy anonymisation, but part of the actual configuration.

The value in FQDN_SSO needs to match oidc/konnectd/issuer_identifier (minus the https).

Ok - that makes sense - so I changed it in the UCR:
root@ucs-bdc:~# ucr dump | grep kopano/docker | grep -v PASSWORD
kopano/docker/FQDN_MEET: www.belldesigncloud.com
kopano/docker/FQDN_SSO: www.belldesigncloud.com
kopano/docker/GRID_WEBAPP: no
kopano/docker/INSECURE: no
kopano/docker/MEET_GUEST_ALLOW: yes
kopano/docker/MEET_GUEST_REGEXP: ^group/public/.*
kopano/docker/TURN_SERVICE_URL: https://ucs-turn.kopano.com/turnserverauth/

Still getting the same error, should I change it anywhere else? Thanks!

root@ucs-bdc:/var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/kopano-meet/compose# docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports

kopano_grapi /usr/bin/dumb-init – /kop … Up (healthy)
kopano_kapi /usr/bin/dumb-init – /kop … Up (healthy)
kopano_konnect wrapper.sh Up (healthy) 6777/tcp, 8777/tcp
kopano_kwmserver docker-entrypoint.sh wrapp … Up (healthy) 6778/tcp, 8778/tcp
kopano_meet /kopano/start-service.sh Up (healthy)
kopano_ssl /start.sh Exit 0
kopano_web docker-entrypoint.sh wrapp … Up (healthy)>2015/tcp, 443/tcp, 80/tcp

Chrome output:



Feels super close though

Unfortunately I am running out of idea. Your openid provider responds with temporarily_unavailable and therefore login fails. At least initially the openid discovery document did not properly respond on your system (but later it was).

I recommend reaching out to the Kopano support so that someone can have a direct look at your system.

I had the same problem but got it resolved.

In /etc/kopano/docker/konnectd-identifier-registration.yaml check value of key “iss”. This should point to URL of your openid provider. In my case it was pointing to UCS SSO Server.

1 Like

ah yes, that is a good observation @wytia. I noticed the same yesterday on a customer system. Once the guest keys are already present in the identifier registration a change of the domain is not reflected in it.

I have just finished reworking said test and have pushed a container image which handles this better. Before continuing updating the app itself can the others in this topic confirm that guest login works if they do the following:

  1. open /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/kopano-meet/compose/docker-compose.yml in an editor
  2. scroll down to where it says:
    # Image was: fbartels/kopano_konnect:0.30.0
    image: docker.software-univention.de/kopano-meet-kopano_konnect:2.1.0_0-1
  1. replace the image: docker.. with the following:
image: fbartels/kopano_konnect:0.30.0@sha256:53cc8b3f369e4a64104ecb4b1a39168693bc127a2fbb7200ae3f6ad8b6af3c10
  1. restart containers by running docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d
  2. check /etc/kopano/docker/konnectd-identifier-registration.yaml if there is now an entry with the id kpop-https://your-domain/meet/ (where ¨your-domain¨ is your actual domain name).

Edit: why modify the compose file? Normally I would recommend to use an override file because it would make changes persistent. But in this specific case the change should no longer stay active once the next app version has been released.

Edit2: the changed code can be found at https://github.com/zokradonh/kopano-docker/pull/377 (for those interested in it)

With the client part fixed I did look into your above message a bit more deeply. For me the value changes properly when changing this in the app settings.
