Kelvin API, can't set password when creating a new user

Hey, I just learn my first lessons with the Kelvin REST API. Creating a new user with the API works fine, but the password seems not to be initialised, because i can’t log in with the password. When i set the password in the ucs admin frontend, everything works fine. I also get a correct json response when creating the user via the api. So is there something else to do if i want to set the password via api?

Here is a short excerpt form the json, i sent to the api:
“school_classes”:{“OSZIMT”:[“FA 99”]},

Thanks for any tipps!

You have found a bug!
I have opened a bug report, and I hope we’ll fix this soon. I’ll inform here as soon as the bug is fixed.
The bug report is non-public for the moment, as it may be a security problem.

Thank you very much for reporting this!
Daniel Tröder

BTW: record_uid should also be quoted. The value is a string. But this is unrelated to the password problem.
