KDE does not start

I have installed the vmware version of the owncloud server. Everything went smooth.
I installed in the App Center the KDE App. Now I dont know how to start it.
I expected it to start automatically after a reboot, which is not the case. After reboot the virtual machine stays at the terminal window. Please advice how to activate the GUI.


in terms of practice: just do not use the KDE App. You can, but in my personal opinion it does not make sense at all.
Whatever you need to configure can be done through the web interface of UMC (browse to http://ip-address-of-your-ucs-server) or through ssh. But absolutely no need to use KDE.

I am unsure but as far as I have it in mind, the KDE app could be discarded with UCS 5.x (again, rumors).

Despite of my opinion, do you have a special need for the KDE app?


Well I am not comfortable with text terminals- I want to copy files and edit configuration files using an explorer window and a graphic editor with root access.
I am not aware that this type of functionality is availible via the management interface.
And of course if there is a KDE App that can be installed then I would expect it to run rather than not. If KDE cannot be used is it then possible to install webmin or does that interfere with UCS?

Could I get an answer to my last post please.

webmin should work - you would have to open port 10000 on ucs firewall - but i’m not using such gui (only Univention Web Interface and ssh) with ucs servers
but i also would not recommend to use a graphical Linux Dekstop like KDE on ucs servers - as already said it would be removed with upcomming ucs version 5
