Join script failed: Could not create LDAP Config at Nextcloud

Hello. Сan anyone help me?

Config value type for app user_saml set to saml
Config value general-require_provisioned_account for app user_saml set to 1
Config value general-allow_multiple_user_back_ends for app user_saml set to 1
Config value general-uid_mapping for app user_saml set to uid
Config value idp-singleLogoutService.url for app user_saml set to https://ucs-sso.rozkrolik.intranet/simplesamlphp/saml2/idp/SingleLogoutService.php
Config value idp-singleSignOnService.url for app user_saml set to https://ucs-sso.rozkrolik.intranet/simplesamlphp/saml2/idp/SSOService.php
Config value idp-entityId for app user_saml set to https://ucs-sso.rozkrolik.intranet/simplesamlphp/saml2/idp/metadata.php
Could not create LDAP Config at Nextcloud
univention-join-hooks: looking for hook type “join/post-joinscripts” on ucs.rozkrolik.intranet
Found hooks:

hello. no ideas? =(

Any updates? What is the status of this issue?

It is still broken months later.

I just attempted a fresh install and it fails.

Nextcloud is not installed - only a limited number of commands are available

There are no commands defined in the “config:app” namespace.

Could not create LDAP Config at Nextcloud
univention-join-hooks: looking for hook type “join/post-joinscripts” on
Found hooks:

Tue Mar 10 06:47:15 CDT 2020
univention-run-join-scripts finished

What are steps I can take to troubleshoot?
What additional information is needed?

This is on a fully updated univention system.
