JOIN-Script 30univention-appcenter geht nicht

Es ist das 30univention-appcenter-Join-Script ausständig, wird aber nach Ausführung mit Fehler beendet.

Folgende Meldungen im join.log:

RUNNING 30univention-appcenter.inst
2019-10-10 09:12:23.675539137+02:00 (in joinscript_init)
Object exists: cn=apps,cn=univention,dc=blaguss,dc=local
Object exists: cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=blaguss,dc=local
INFO: No change of core data of object univention-app.
Object exists: cn=ldapacl,cn=univention,dc=blaguss,dc=local
INFO: No change of core data of object 66univention-appcenter_app.
Object exists: cn=udm_syntax,cn=univention,dc=blaguss,dc=local
INFO: No change of core data of object app_syntax.
Object exists: cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=blaguss,dc=local
INFO: No change of core data of object appcenter/app.
No modification: cn=univention-app,cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=blaguss,dc=local

No modification: cn=66univention-appcenter_app,cn=ldapacl,cn=univention,dc=blaguss,dc=local

No modification: cn=app_syntax,cn=udm_syntax,cn=univention,dc=blaguss,dc=local

No modification: cn=appcenter/app,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=blaguss,dc=local

Waiting for activation of the extension object univention-app: OK
Waiting for activation of the extension object 66univention-appcenter_app: OK
Waiting for activation of the extension object app_syntax: …ERROR: Master did not mark the extension object active within 180 seconds.
ucs_registerLDAPExtension: registraton of /usr/share/univention-appcenter/ failed.

Was kann ich tun?


In der Datei transaction waren korrupte Daten vorhanden.
systemctl stop univention-directory-listener
systemctl stop univention-directory-notifier
systemctl stop slapd
Mit dem Editor die korrupten Daten entfernt
systemctl start univention-directory-listener
systemctl start univention-directory-notifier
systemctl start slapd
