Is it possible to controlled all client internet explorer via UCS policy?

Please help me.
Thanks all

Hi to configure Internet Explorer settings from central location use the GPO policy:

Thanks for reply.
yes I do that already. its works for windows client.

But I need to automatically browser ( like mozilla firefox, google chrome) proxy setting for linux desktop clients via UCS policy. How can I do it?

I also try:
univention-config-registry set proxy/http=
univention-config-registry set proxy/https=

ucr set proxy/http=yes proxy/http/enabled=yes
ucr set proxy/https=yes proxy/https/enabled=yes

univention-directory-manager policies/registry create --position “cn=config-registry,cn=policies,dc=example,dc=com” --set name=“custom proxy settings” --set registry=“proxy/http

univention-directory-manager policies/registry modify --dn “cn=custom proxy settings,cn=config-registry,cn=policies,dc=example,dc=com” --append registry=’“proxy/https” “”’

And I link it users, groups and computers .

But It does not works. Not automatically proxy setting of user’s linux desktop.

Please help me.
