Installing Keycloak fails with Paket jq kann nicht gefunden werden


I try to install Keycloak on a UCS5.0 in Version: 5.0-6 errata713
but I always get the error that the Packega jq can not be found.
The error message looks like this.

This is the message when I want to install the Keycloak app in the web gui:

Can someone help me with this issue?

Posting to confirm an issue with the current keycloak app (update from 22.0.3-ucs1 to 22.0.3-ucs2, UCS version is 5.0-6 errata904.).

The updater complains about the keycloak app not running (but it is) and being unable to start it:

 20831 actions.upgrade.readme           23-12-22 13:05:12 [    INFO]:    2.
 20831 actions.upgrade.readme           23-12-22 13:05:12 [    INFO]:    3.
 20831 actions.configure                23-12-22 13:05:12 [   DEBUG]: Calling configure
 20831 actions.configure.progress       23-12-22 13:05:12 [   DEBUG]: 0
 20831 actions.configure                23-12-22 13:05:12 [    INFO]: Configuring keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
 20831 actions.configure.progress       23-12-22 13:05:12 [   DEBUG]: 100
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:12 [   DEBUG]: Calling prescript (preinst)
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:12 [   DEBUG]: Calling /var/cache/univention-appcenter/ --old-version 22.0.3-ucs1 --version 22.0.3-ucs2 --error-file /tmp/tmpnb0rgi6e --binddn uid=Ad
ministrator,cn=users,dc=e4a,dc=fperh,dc=net --bindpwdfile /tmp/tmpmbh8oroo --locale en
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:12 [    INFO]: /usr/bin/jq
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:12 [    INFO]: Installing univention-keycloak apache template
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:12 [    INFO]: Installing Keycloak data/settings acl
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:12 [    INFO]: Installing Keycloak apache template info
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:12 [    INFO]: Installing Keycloak translation template info
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:12 [    INFO]: Installing Keycloak transaltion template
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:12 [    INFO]: File: /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/conf/UCS/login/m
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:13 [    INFO]: File: /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/conf/UCS/login/m
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:13 [    INFO]: Installing 50-keycloak postgresql 11 template
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:13 [    INFO]: Installing 50-keycloak postgresql 15 template
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:13 [    INFO]: Installing 50-keycloak postgresql template info
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:13 [    INFO]: Installing keycloak ispn configuration template
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/
.0/keycloak_20230927180351.preinst returned with 0
 20831 packages                         23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: Holding LOCK
 20831 actions.start                    23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: Calling start
 20831 actions.start.progress           23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: 0
 20831 docker                           23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: Calling in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
 20831 docker                           23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker-compose -p keycloak start
 20831 docker                           23-12-22 13:05:13 [ WARNING]: Starting keycloak ... 
 20831 docker                           23-12-22 13:05:13 [ WARNING]:   ^MStarting keycloak ...  failed ^M No containers to start
 20831 actions.start.progress           23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: 100
 20831 packages                         23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: Releasing LOCK
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:13 [CRITICAL]: Could not start the app container. It needs to be running to be upgraded!
 20831 actions.upgrade                  23-12-22 13:05:13 [ WARNING]: Aborting...
 20831 actions.start                    23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: Calling start
 20831 actions.start.progress           23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: 0
 20831 docker                           23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: Calling in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
 20831 docker                           23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker-compose -p keycloak start
 20831 docker                           23-12-22 13:05:13 [ WARNING]: Starting keycloak ... 
 20831 docker                           23-12-22 13:05:13 [ WARNING]:   ^MStarting keycloak ...  failed ^M No containers to start
 20831 actions.start.progress           23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: 100
 20831 utils                            23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: send_information: action=upgrade app=keycloak value=None status=429
 20831 utils                            23-12-22 13:05:13 [   DEBUG]: tracking information: {'action': 'upgrade', 'status': 429, 'uuid': '6e1fc2e6-25b2-4e64-8746-e442dcc5133f', 'role': 'domaincontroller_master', 'app': 'keycloak', 'version': '22.0.3-ucs2', 'system-uuid': '76ca183d-2fb7-429a-a7ea-72ae53829ade'}
 20831 actions.upgrade-search           23-12-22 13:05:14 [   DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search
 20831 actions.upgrade-search.progress  23-12-22 13:05:14 [   DEBUG]: 0
 20831 actions.upgrade-search           23-12-22 13:05:14 [   DEBUG]: Checking keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
 20831 actions.upgrade-search.progress  23-12-22 13:05:14 [   DEBUG]: 100
 20831 actions.upgrade.progress         23-12-22 13:05:14 [   DEBUG]: 100

Keycloak itself is running however, but cannot be started in the UMC. It can be startet manually i.e.

docker compose up
in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose#

however the updater fails to recognize the running app.
The logs of the keycloak app (-ucs1) don’t show anything unusual:

 UCS, using built-in themes
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:10,271 INFO  [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (main) ISPN000080: Disconnecting JGroups channel `ISPN`
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:10,446 INFO  [io.quarkus] (main) Keycloak stopped in 0.465s
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:17,757 INFO  [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.hostname.DefaultHostnameProvider] (main) Hostname settings: Base URL: <unset>, Hostname:, Strict HTTPS: true, Path: <request>, Strict BackChannel: false, Admin URL: <unset>, Admin: <request>, Port: -1, Proxied: true
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:20,340 WARN  [org.infinispan.PERSISTENCE] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000554: jboss-marshalling is deprecated and planned for removal
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:20,473 INFO  [org.infinispan.CONTAINER] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000556: Starting user marshaller 'org.infinispan.jboss.marshalling.core.JBossUserMarshaller'
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:20,882 INFO  [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000078: Starting JGroups channel `ISPN` with stack `jdbc-ping-tcp`
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:20,885 INFO  [org.jgroups.JChannel] (keycloak-cache-init) local_addr: ec1976a8-9dad-4873-804a-6e0afc581491, name: 39dbd7c97880-11996
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:20,895 INFO  [org.jgroups.protocols.FD_SOCK2] (keycloak-cache-init) server listening on *.57600
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:20,901 WARN  [io.quarkus.vertx.http.runtime.VertxHttpRecorder] (main) The X-Forwarded-* and Forwarded headers will be considered when determining the proxy address. This configuration can cause a security issue as clients can forge requests and send a forwarded header that is not overwritten by the proxy. Please consider use one of these headers just to forward the proxy address in requests.
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:20,959 INFO  [org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS] (keycloak-cache-init) 39dbd7c97880-11996: no members discovered after 58 ms: creating cluster as coordinator
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:21,015 INFO  [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000094: Received new cluster view for channel ISPN: [39dbd7c97880-11996|0] (1) [39dbd7c97880-11996]
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:21,070 INFO  [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000079: Channel `ISPN` local address is `39dbd7c97880-11996`, physical addresses are `[]`
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:21,081 WARN  [org.infinispan.CONFIG] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000569: Unable to persist Infinispan internal caches as no global state enabled
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:21,509 INFO  [org.keycloak.connections.infinispan.DefaultInfinispanConnectionProviderFactory] (main) Node name: 39dbd7c97880-11996, Site name: null
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:21,515 INFO  [] (main) Registering class
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:22,997 INFO  [io.quarkus] (main) Keycloak 22.0.3 on JVM (powered by Quarkus 3.2.5.Final) started in 6.403s. Listening on:
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:22,998 INFO  [io.quarkus] (main) Profile prod activated. 
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:22,998 INFO  [io.quarkus] (main) Installed features: [agroal, cdi, hibernate-orm, jdbc-h2, jdbc-mariadb, jdbc-mssql, jdbc-mysql, jdbc-oracle, jdbc-postgresql, keycloak, logging-gelf, micrometer, narayana-jta, reactive-routes, resteasy, resteasy-jackson, smallrye-context-propagation, smallrye-health, vertx]
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:25,347 ERROR [org.keycloak.theme.DefaultThemeManager] (executor-thread-1) Failed to find ADMIN theme keycloak, using built-in themes
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:27,694 ERROR [org.keycloak.theme.DefaultThemeManager] (executor-thread-1) Failed to find ADMIN theme keycloak, using built-in themes
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:44,743 ERROR [org.keycloak.theme.DefaultThemeManager] (executor-thread-3) Failed to find ADMIN theme keycloak, using built-in themes
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:47,936 WARN  [org.keycloak.theme.DefaultThemeManager] (executor-thread-2) Not found parent theme 'keycloak' of theme 'UCS'. Unable to load ACCOUNT theme 'UCS' due to this.
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:47,938 ERROR [org.keycloak.theme.DefaultThemeManager] (executor-thread-2) Failed to find ACCOUNT theme UCS, using built-in themes
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:47,946 WARN  [org.keycloak.theme.DefaultThemeManager] (executor-thread-2) Not found parent theme 'keycloak' of theme 'UCS'. Unable to load ADMIN theme 'UCS' due to this.
keycloak    | 2023-12-22 12:08:47,947 ERROR [org.keycloak.theme.DefaultThemeManager] (executor-thread-2) Failed to find ADMIN theme UCS, using built-in themes


thanks to the both of you for bringing this up! The error was catched beforehand, but unfortunately the app was released without the fix applied. We just corrected that, could you retry the installation?


Hello @jlk,

I get now this error:

Hello, after completly uninstall UCS and reinstall the whole system I was able to install the keycloak service. But now I get this error:
Bad Gateway 503
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
Apache/2.4.38 (Univention) Server at ucs-sso-ng.h2-invent.intranet Port 443

I just realised that the keyloak service has not joind the domain. So propably this could be the first issue.
When I try to execute the join script the service tries to find the domain of the keycloak but it is not reachable because of an internal testdomain.
How can I fix this issue?

This is hard to debug when several steps have been tried already. What was the initial error you got, it can maybe still be found in /var/log/univention/appcenter.log
What is the exact error message you get now? Please check the /var/univention/join.log for errors.

Which UCS version is in use? univention-app info

I gave it another try: At first I tried upgrading in the UMC but this only ended in (appcenter.log):

 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:30 [   DEBUG]: Calling install
 27091 actions.install.progress         24-01-18 17:48:30 [   DEBUG]: 0
 27091 utils                            24-01-18 17:48:30 [    INFO]: Resolving dependencies for keycloak
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:30 [    INFO]: Going to install Keycloak (22.0.3-ucs2)
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:30 [ WARNING]: (shall_have_enough_free_disk_space) 
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:30 [ WARNING]: (shall_have_enough_ram) 
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Showing License agreement for keycloak=2
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Showing README for keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for keyclo
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for keyclo
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for keyclo
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for keyclo
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Cannot read ucs/self/registration/check_
email_verification while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Cannot read keycloak/password/change/endpoint while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for keycloak/password/change/endpoint
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Cannot read kc/db/url while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for kc/db/url
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Cannot read kc/db/username while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for kc/db/username
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Cannot read kc/db/password while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for kc/db/password
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Cannot read kc/db/driver while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for kc/db/driver
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Cannot read kc/db/ping/datatype while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running

 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for kc/db/ping/datatype
 27091 actions.configure                24-01-18 17:48:39 [   DEBUG]: Calling configure
 27091 actions.configure.progress       24-01-18 17:48:39 [   DEBUG]: 0
 27091 actions.configure                24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Configuring keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting keycloak/server/sso/fqdn to ''
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting keycloak/server/sso/path to '/'
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting keycloak/server/sso/virtualhost to 'true'
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting keycloak/apache/config to 'true'
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting keycloak/server/sso/autoregistration to 'true'
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Unsetting keycloak/apache2/ssl/certificate
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Unsetting keycloak/apache2/ssl/key
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Unsetting keycloak/apache2/ssl/ca
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Unsetting keycloak/csp/frame-ancestors
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting keycloak/cookies/samesite to 'None'
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting keycloak/login/messages/en/accountNotVerifiedMsg to 'Your account is not verified.<br>You must <a id="loginSelfServiceLink" href="" target="_blank">verify your account</a> before you can login.<br/>'
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting keycloak/login/messages/de/accountNotVerifiedMsg to 'Konto nicht verifiziert.<br>Sie m\\u00FCssen Ihr <a id="loginSelfServiceLink" href="" target="_blank">Konto verifizieren</a>, bevor Sie sich einloggen k\\u00F6nnen.<br/>'
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting keycloak/login/messages/en/accessDeniedMsg to 'Access forbidden.<br>You do not have the needed privileges to access this application. Please contact the administrator that you do not have access to the service {0} if you find this to be incorrect.'
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting keycloak/login/messages/de/accessDeniedMsg to 'Zugriff verboten.<br>Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Administrator, dass Sie keinen Zugriff auf den Service {0} haben, wenn Sie feststellen, dass dies nicht korrekt ist.'
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting keycloak/log/level to 'INFO'
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting kc/db/kind to 'postgres'
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting kc/db/xa to 'false'
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting keycloak/federation/remote/identifier to 'univentionObjectIdentifier'
 27091 settings                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Setting keycloak/federation/source/identifier to 'univentionSourceIAM'
 27091 actions.configure                24-01-18 17:48:39 [ WARNING]: Cannot write settings while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
 27091 actions.configure.progress       24-01-18 17:48:39 [   DEBUG]: 100
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [   DEBUG]: Calling prescript (preinst)
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [   DEBUG]: Calling /var/cache/univention-appcenter/ --version 22.0.3-ucs2 --error-file /tmp/tmp4gu3y7qb --binddn uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=servi,dc=domain,dc=net --bindpwdfile /tmp/tmpm02ht57y --locale de
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Installing univention-keycloak apache template
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Installing Keycloak data/settings acl
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Installing Keycloak apache template info
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Installing Keycloak translation template info
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Installing Keycloak transaltion template
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: File: /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/conf/UCS/login/messages/
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: File: /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/conf/UCS/login/messages/
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Installing 50-keycloak postgresql 11 template
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Installing 50-keycloak postgresql 15 template
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Installing 50-keycloak postgresql template info
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Installing keycloak ispn configuration template
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [   DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/ returned with 0
 27091 packages                         24-01-18 17:48:39 [   DEBUG]: Holding LOCK
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Creating data directories for keycloak...
 27091 actions.install.progress         24-01-18 17:48:39 [   DEBUG]: 5
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Registering UCR for keycloak
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Marking keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 as installed
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [    INFO]: Adding localhost to LDAP object
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:39 [   DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:40 [    INFO]: Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:40 [   DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0
 27091 actions.install.progress         24-01-18 17:48:40 [   DEBUG]: 10
 27091 database                         24-01-18 17:48:40 [   DEBUG]: keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 uses PostgreSQL
 27091 packages                         24-01-18 17:48:40 [   DEBUG]: Calling /usr/bin/apt-mark manual univention-postgresql
 27091 packages                         24-01-18 17:48:40 [    INFO]: univention-postgresql wurde bereits auf manuell installiert gesetzt.
 27091 database                         24-01-18 17:48:40 [   DEBUG]: Calling service postgresql start
 27091 database                         24-01-18 17:48:41 [   DEBUG]: Password already exists
 27091 database                         24-01-18 17:48:41 [    INFO]: Checking if database keycloak exists (postgresql implementation)
 27091 database                         24-01-18 17:48:41 [    INFO]: Database keycloak already exists
 27091 database                         24-01-18 17:48:41 [   DEBUG]: Database and User already exist
 27091 database                         24-01-18 17:48:41 [    INFO]: keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 already has its database
 27091 actions.install.progress         24-01-18 17:48:41 [   DEBUG]: 15
 27091 actions.install.progress         24-01-18 17:48:41 [   DEBUG]: 25
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:41 [    INFO]: Already found cn=keycl-06955476,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,dc=servi,dc=domain,dc=net as a host for keycloak. Trying to retrieve machine secret.
 27091 actions.install.progress         24-01-18 17:48:41 [   DEBUG]: 30
 27091 docker                           24-01-18 17:48:41 [   DEBUG]: Getting network for keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
 27091 docker                           24-01-18 17:48:41 [   DEBUG]: Found
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:41 [    INFO]: Downloading app images
 27091 docker                           24-01-18 17:48:41 [   DEBUG]: Running in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
 27091 docker                           24-01-18 17:48:41 [    INFO]: Running command: docker-compose -p keycloak pull
 27091 docker                           24-01-18 17:48:42 [    INFO]: Pulling keycloak ...

[... pulling ...]

 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:52 [    INFO]: Initializing app image
 27091 database                         24-01-18 17:48:52 [   DEBUG]: keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 uses PostgreSQL
 27091 docker                           24-01-18 17:48:52 [   DEBUG]: Getting network for keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
 27091 docker                           24-01-18 17:48:52 [   DEBUG]: Found
 27091 utils                            24-01-18 17:48:52 [   DEBUG]: Running in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
 27091 utils                            24-01-18 17:48:52 [    INFO]: Running command: docker-compose -p keycloak up -d --no-build --no-recreate
 27091 utils                            24-01-18 17:48:53 [    INFO]: Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
 27091 utils                            24-01-18 17:48:53 [    INFO]: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space
 27091 utils                            24-01-18 17:48:53 [   ERROR]: Command docker-compose -p keycloak up -d --no-build --no-recreate failed with: Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Pool overlaps with other one on this address space (1)
 27091 packages                         24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: Releasing LOCK
 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:53 [CRITICAL]: Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Pool overlaps with other one on this address space

 27091 actions.install                  24-01-18 17:48:53 [ WARNING]: Aborting...
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: Calling remove
 27091 actions.remove.progress          24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: 0
 27091 utils                            24-01-18 17:48:53 [    INFO]: Resolving dependencies for keycloak
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:53 [    INFO]: Going to remove Keycloak (22.0.3-ucs2)
 27091 cache                            24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
 27091 cache                            24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 271 apps from cache
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:53 [    INFO]: Showing README for keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
 27091 actions.configure                24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: Calling configure
 27091 actions.configure.progress       24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: 0
 27091 actions.configure                24-01-18 17:48:53 [    INFO]: Configuring keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
 27091 actions.configure.progress       24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: 100
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: Calling prescript (prerm)
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/ does not exist
 27091 packages                         24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: Holding LOCK
 27091 actions.remove.progress          24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: 5
 27091 actions.remove.progress          24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: 5
 27091 actions.configure                24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: Calling configure
 27091 actions.configure.progress       24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: 0
 27091 actions.configure                24-01-18 17:48:53 [    INFO]: Configuring keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
 27091 actions.configure                24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: Calling /var/cache/univention-appcenter/ remove --version 22.0.3-ucs2 --error-file /tmp/tmpamu0s14q --locale de
 27091 actions.configure                24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/ returned with 0
 27091 actions.configure.progress       24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: 100
 27091 actions.stop                     24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: Calling stop
 27091 actions.stop.progress            24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: 0
 27091 docker                           24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: Calling in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
 27091 docker                           24-01-18 17:48:53 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker-compose -p keycloak stop
 27091 actions.stop.progress            24-01-18 17:48:54 [   DEBUG]: 100
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:54 [   DEBUG]: Calling in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:54 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker-compose -p keycloak stop
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:54 [   DEBUG]: Calling in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:54 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker-compose -p keycloak stop
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:55 [   DEBUG]: Calling in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:55 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker-compose -p keycloak down --remove-orphans
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:55 [ WARNING]: Removing network keycloak_appcenter_net
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:55 [ WARNING]: Network keycloak_appcenter_net not found.
 27091 actions.remove.progress          24-01-18 17:48:55 [   DEBUG]: 45
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:55 [   DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/update-rc.d docker-app-keycloak remove
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:55 [   DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/update-rc.d returned with 0
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:55 [    INFO]: Removing localhost from LDAP object
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:56 [   DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:56 [    INFO]: Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:56 [   DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0
 27091 actions.remove.progress          24-01-18 17:48:56 [   DEBUG]: 55
 27091 actions.remove.progress          24-01-18 17:48:56 [   DEBUG]: 60
 27091 actions.remove.progress          24-01-18 17:48:56 [   DEBUG]: 70
 27091 actions.remove.progress          24-01-18 17:48:56 [   DEBUG]: 80
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:56 [    INFO]: Uninstalling /usr/lib/univention-install/50keycloak.inst
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:56 [    INFO]: Installing join script /var/cache/univention-appcenter/
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:56 [   DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:57 [    INFO]: univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer.
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:57 [    INFO]: copyright (c) 2001-2023 Univention GmbH, Germany
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:57 [    INFO]: 
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:57 [    INFO]: Running pre-joinscripts hook(s):  done
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:48:57 [    INFO]: Running
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:50:01 [   DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts returned with 0
 27091 packages                         24-01-18 17:50:01 [   DEBUG]: Releasing LOCK
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:50:01 [    INFO]: Potential script hook folder is unused: /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/local/hooks/post-remove.d
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:50:01 [    INFO]: File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/i18n/de/
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:50:01 [    INFO]: 
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:50:02 [    INFO]: File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/modules/apps.xml
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:50:02 [    INFO]: 
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:50:02 [    INFO]: File: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/55user_agent
 27091 actions.remove                   24-01-18 17:50:02 [    INFO]: 
 27091 actions.upgrade-search           24-01-18 17:50:02 [   DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search
 27091 actions.upgrade-search.progress  24-01-18 17:50:02 [   DEBUG]: 0
 27091 actions.upgrade-search           24-01-18 17:50:02 [   DEBUG]: Checking keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
 27091 actions.upgrade-search.progress  24-01-18 17:50:02 [   DEBUG]: 100
 27091 actions.remove.progress          24-01-18 17:50:02 [   DEBUG]: 100
 27091 utils                            24-01-18 17:50:02 [   DEBUG]: send_information: action=install app=keycloak value=Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Pool overlaps with other one on this address space
 27091 utils                            24-01-18 17:50:02 [   DEBUG]: tracking information: {'action': 'install', 'status': 417, 'uuid': '6e1fc2e6-25b2-4e64-8746-e442dcc5133f', 'role': 'domaincontroller_master', 'app': 'keycloak', 'version': '22.0.3-ucs2', 'value': 'Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver\nPool overlaps with other one on this address space\n', 'system-uuid': '76ca183d-2fb7-429a-a7ea-72ae53829ade'}

which didn’t work and now the UMC doesn’t show keycloak as being installed anymore.

I then upgraded manually with univention-app install keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2, output is:

root@ucs01:~# univention-app  install keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
Falling back to initial value for keycloak/apache2/ssl/ca
Falling back to initial value for keycloak/csp/frame-ancestors
Cannot read ucs/self/registration/check_email_verification while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
Cannot read keycloak/password/change/endpoint while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running

Configuring keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
Setting keycloak/server/sso/fqdn to ''
Setting keycloak/server/sso/path to '/'
Setting keycloak/server/sso/virtualhost to 'true'
Setting keycloak/apache/config to 'true'
Setting keycloak/server/sso/autoregistration to 'true'
Unsetting keycloak/apache2/ssl/certificate
Unsetting keycloak/apache2/ssl/key
Unsetting keycloak/apache2/ssl/ca
Unsetting keycloak/csp/frame-ancestors
Setting keycloak/cookies/samesite to 'None'
Setting keycloak/login/messages/en/accountNotVerifiedMsg to 'Your account is not verified.<br>You must <a id="loginSelfServiceLink" href="" target="_blank">verify your account</a> before you can login.<br/>'
Setting keycloak/login/messages/de/accountNotVerifiedMsg to 'Konto nicht verifiziert.<br>Sie m\\u00FCssen Ihr <a id="loginSelfServiceLink" href="" target="_blank">Konto verifizieren</a>, bevor Sie sich einloggen k\\u00F6nnen.<br/>'
Setting keycloak/login/messages/en/accessDeniedMsg to 'Access forbidden.<br>You do not have the needed privileges to access this application. Please contact the administrator that you do not have access to the service {0} if you find this to be incorrect.'
Setting keycloak/login/messages/de/accessDeniedMsg to 'Zugriff verboten.<br>Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Administrator, dass Sie keinen Zugriff auf den Service {0} haben, wenn Sie feststellen, dass dies nicht korrekt ist.'
Setting keycloak/log/level to 'INFO'
Setting kc/db/kind to 'postgres'
Setting kc/db/xa to 'false'
Setting keycloak/federation/remote/identifier to 'univentionObjectIdentifier'
Setting keycloak/federation/source/identifier to 'univentionSourceIAM'
Cannot write settings while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
Installing univention-keycloak apache template
Installing Keycloak data/settings acl
Database keycloak already exists
keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 already has its database
Already found cn=keycl-06955476,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,servi,dc=domain,dc=net as a host for keycloak. Trying to retrieve machine secret.
Downloading app images
Running command: docker-compose -p keycloak pull
Pulling keycloak ... done

Initializing app image
Running command: docker-compose -p keycloak up -d --no-build --no-recreate
Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Pool overlaps with other one on this address space
Command docker-compose -p keycloak up -d --no-build --no-recreate failed with: Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Pool overlaps with other one on this address space (1)
Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Pool overlaps with other one on this address space

Resolving dependencies for keycloak
Going to remove Keycloak (22.0.3-ucs2)
Showing README for keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
Configuring keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
Configuring keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
Removing network keycloak_appcenter_net
Network keycloak_appcenter_net not found.
Removing localhost from LDAP object
File: /etc/univention/
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
File: /etc/apache2/sites-available/univention-letsencrypt.conf
Multifile: /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
Uninstalling /usr/lib/univention-install/50keycloak.inst
Installing join script /var/cache/univention-appcenter/
univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer.
copyright (c) 2001-2023 Univention GmbH, Germany

Running pre-joinscripts hook(s):  done

 Running 51keycloak-uninstall.uinst done
Running post-joinscripts hook(s):  done
Potential script hook folder is unused: /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/local/hooks/post-remove.d
File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/i18n/de/

File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/modules/apps.xml

File: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/55user_agent

I remember that I had the error with the overlapping pool before, but I’m not sure, what my solution was. Could have been using docker-compose up --force-recreate network.

The old keycloak 22.0.3-ucs1 was still up, so I shut it down and started again with docker-compose upL

Creating network "compose_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Creating keycloak ... done
Attaching to keycloak
keycloak    | Changes detected in configuration. Updating the server image.
keycloak    | Updating the configuration and installing your custom providers, if any. Please wait.
keycloak    | 2024-01-18 16:52:07,032 WARN  [] (build-20) KC-SERVICES0047: univention-saml-user-attribute-nameid-mapper-base64  [snip]
keycloak    |   ... 25 more
keycloak    | Caused by: org.infinispan.manager.EmbeddedCacheManagerStartupException: ISPN000541: Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration '[TCP(bundler.max_size=64000, sock_conn_timeout=300, thread_pool.keep_alive_time=60000, diag.enabled=false, bind_port=7600, thread_naming_pattern=pl, thread_pool.thread_dumps_threshold=10000, send_buf_size=640k, thread_pool.max_threads=200, bundler_type=transfer-queue,, 
keycloak    |   at org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.internalStart(
keycloak    |   at org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.start(
keycloak    |   at org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.<init>(
keycloak    |   at
keycloak    |   at java.base/
keycloak    |   at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
keycloak    |   at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
keycloak    |   at java.base/
keycloak    | Caused by: org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException: ISPN000541: Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration '[TCP(bundler.max_size=64000, sock_conn_timeout=300, thread_pool.keep_alive_time=60000, diag.enabled=false, bind_port=7600, thread_naming_pattern=pl, thread_pool.thread_dumps_threshold=10000, send_buf_size=640k, thread_pool.max_threads=200, bundler_type=transfer-queue,, thread_pool.min_threads=0), RED(), 

keycloak    |   at org.jgroups.JChannel.<init>(
keycloak    |   at org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.EmbeddedJGroupsChannelConfigurator.createChannel(
keycloak    |   at org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.JGroupsTransport.channelFromConfigurator(
keycloak    |   ... 30 more
keycloak    | 
keycloak    | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,665 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) ERROR: Failed to start server in (production) mode
keycloak    | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,665 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) ERROR: Failed to obtain JDBC connection
keycloak    | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,666 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) ERROR: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
keycloak    | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,666 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) ERROR: Connection refused
keycloak    | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,666 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) For more details run the same command passing the '--verbose' option. Also you can use '--help' to see the details about the usage of the particular command.
keycloak    | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,667 ERROR [org.jgroups.protocols.JDBC_PING] (Thread-4) JGRP000115: Could not open connection to database: java.sql.SQLException: The url cannot be null
keycloak    |   at java.sql/java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
keycloak    | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,667 ERROR [org.jgroups.protocols.JDBC_PING] (Thread-4) JGRP000215: Failed to delete PingData in database

keycloak ucs2 is running though
I didn’t have time to look into this. esp. the issues with the db and the network.
Just to make sure: You updated the 22.0.3-ucs2 or did you create a ucs3-Package I missed?

[The forum is limiting posts to 32k characters – I had to cut half of the output. Let me know if you need the full output.]

Bump @jlk and @damrose
do you need anything else for debugging?

univention-app  info
UCS: 5.0-6 errata904
Installed: letsencrypt=2.0.0-2 4.4/openid-connect-provider=2.2-konnect-0.33.11-2

Keycloak is still installed, though. But it keeps restarting because it can’t connect to the DB.

I kind of have some doubts about upgrading to UCS 5.2 w/ Keycloak will be a smooth ride.

EDIT: What I did to get a running keycloak again is:

docker network prune

and reinstall keycloak from the appcenter again. (Renaming because I wanted to keep it, just in case I need to investigate further.)
