I gave it another try: At first I tried upgrading in the UMC but this only ended in (appcenter.log):
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:30 [ DEBUG]: Calling install
27091 actions.install.progress 24-01-18 17:48:30 [ DEBUG]: 0
27091 utils 24-01-18 17:48:30 [ INFO]: Resolving dependencies for keycloak
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:30 [ INFO]: Going to install Keycloak (22.0.3-ucs2)
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:30 [ WARNING]: (shall_have_enough_free_disk_space)
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:30 [ WARNING]: (shall_have_enough_ram)
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Showing License agreement for keycloak=2
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Showing README for keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Falling back to initial value for keyclo
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Falling back to initial value for keyclo
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Falling back to initial value for keyclo
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Falling back to initial value for keyclo
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Cannot read ucs/self/registration/check_
email_verification while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Cannot read keycloak/password/change/endpoint while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Falling back to initial value for keycloak/password/change/endpoint
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Cannot read kc/db/url while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Falling back to initial value for kc/db/url
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Cannot read kc/db/username while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Falling back to initial value for kc/db/username
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Cannot read kc/db/password while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Falling back to initial value for kc/db/password
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Cannot read kc/db/driver while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Falling back to initial value for kc/db/driver
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Cannot read kc/db/ping/datatype while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Falling back to initial value for kc/db/ping/datatype
27091 actions.configure 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ DEBUG]: Calling configure
27091 actions.configure.progress 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ DEBUG]: 0
27091 actions.configure 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Configuring keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting keycloak/server/sso/fqdn to 'ucs-sso-ng.servi.domain.net'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting keycloak/server/sso/path to '/'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting keycloak/server/sso/virtualhost to 'true'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting keycloak/apache/config to 'true'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting keycloak/server/sso/autoregistration to 'true'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Unsetting keycloak/apache2/ssl/certificate
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Unsetting keycloak/apache2/ssl/key
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Unsetting keycloak/apache2/ssl/ca
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Unsetting keycloak/csp/frame-ancestors
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting keycloak/cookies/samesite to 'None'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting keycloak/login/messages/en/accountNotVerifiedMsg to 'Your account is not verified.<br>You must <a id="loginSelfServiceLink" href="https://ucs01.servi.domain.net/univention/selfservice/#/selfservice/verifyaccount" target="_blank">verify your account</a> before you can login.<br/>'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting keycloak/login/messages/de/accountNotVerifiedMsg to 'Konto nicht verifiziert.<br>Sie m\\u00FCssen Ihr <a id="loginSelfServiceLink" href="https://ucs01.servi.domain.net/univention/selfservice/#/selfservice/verifyaccount" target="_blank">Konto verifizieren</a>, bevor Sie sich einloggen k\\u00F6nnen.<br/>'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting keycloak/login/messages/en/accessDeniedMsg to 'Access forbidden.<br>You do not have the needed privileges to access this application. Please contact the administrator that you do not have access to the service {0} if you find this to be incorrect.'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting keycloak/login/messages/de/accessDeniedMsg to 'Zugriff verboten.<br>Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Administrator, dass Sie keinen Zugriff auf den Service {0} haben, wenn Sie feststellen, dass dies nicht korrekt ist.'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting keycloak/log/level to 'INFO'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting kc/db/kind to 'postgres'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting kc/db/xa to 'false'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting keycloak/federation/remote/identifier to 'univentionObjectIdentifier'
27091 settings 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Setting keycloak/federation/source/identifier to 'univentionSourceIAM'
27091 actions.configure 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ WARNING]: Cannot write settings while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
27091 actions.configure.progress 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ DEBUG]: 100
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ DEBUG]: Calling prescript (preinst)
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ DEBUG]: Calling /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/5.0/keycloak_20230927180351.preinst --version 22.0.3-ucs2 --error-file /tmp/tmp4gu3y7qb --binddn uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=servi,dc=domain,dc=net --bindpwdfile /tmp/tmpm02ht57y --locale de
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Installing univention-keycloak apache template
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Installing Keycloak data/settings acl
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Installing Keycloak apache template info
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Installing Keycloak translation template info
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Installing Keycloak transaltion template
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: File: /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/conf/UCS/login/messages/messages_de.properties
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: File: /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/conf/UCS/login/messages/messages_en.properties
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Installing 50-keycloak postgresql 11 template
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Installing 50-keycloak postgresql 15 template
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Installing 50-keycloak postgresql template info
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Installing keycloak ispn configuration template
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/5.0/keycloak_20230927180351.preinst returned with 0
27091 packages 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ DEBUG]: Holding LOCK
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Creating data directories for keycloak...
27091 actions.install.progress 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ DEBUG]: 5
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Registering UCR for keycloak
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Marking keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 as installed
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ INFO]: Adding localhost to LDAP object
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:39 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:40 [ INFO]: Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:40 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0
27091 actions.install.progress 24-01-18 17:48:40 [ DEBUG]: 10
27091 database 24-01-18 17:48:40 [ DEBUG]: keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 uses PostgreSQL
27091 packages 24-01-18 17:48:40 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/bin/apt-mark manual univention-postgresql
27091 packages 24-01-18 17:48:40 [ INFO]: univention-postgresql wurde bereits auf manuell installiert gesetzt.
27091 database 24-01-18 17:48:40 [ DEBUG]: Calling service postgresql start
27091 database 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ DEBUG]: Password already exists
27091 database 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ INFO]: Checking if database keycloak exists (postgresql implementation)
27091 database 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ INFO]: Database keycloak already exists
27091 database 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ DEBUG]: Database and User already exist
27091 database 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ INFO]: keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 already has its database
27091 actions.install.progress 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ DEBUG]: 15
27091 actions.install.progress 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ DEBUG]: 25
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ INFO]: Already found cn=keycl-06955476,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,dc=servi,dc=domain,dc=net as a host for keycloak. Trying to retrieve machine secret.
27091 actions.install.progress 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ DEBUG]: 30
27091 docker 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ DEBUG]: Getting network for keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
27091 docker 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ DEBUG]: Found
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ INFO]: Downloading app images
27091 docker 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ DEBUG]: Running in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
27091 docker 24-01-18 17:48:41 [ INFO]: Running command: docker-compose -p keycloak pull
27091 docker 24-01-18 17:48:42 [ INFO]: Pulling keycloak ...
[... pulling ...]
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:52 [ INFO]: Initializing app image
27091 database 24-01-18 17:48:52 [ DEBUG]: keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 uses PostgreSQL
27091 docker 24-01-18 17:48:52 [ DEBUG]: Getting network for keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
27091 docker 24-01-18 17:48:52 [ DEBUG]: Found
27091 utils 24-01-18 17:48:52 [ DEBUG]: Running in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
27091 utils 24-01-18 17:48:52 [ INFO]: Running command: docker-compose -p keycloak up -d --no-build --no-recreate
27091 utils 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ INFO]: Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
27091 utils 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ INFO]: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space
27091 utils 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ ERROR]: Command docker-compose -p keycloak up -d --no-build --no-recreate failed with: Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Pool overlaps with other one on this address space (1)
27091 packages 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: Releasing LOCK
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:53 [CRITICAL]: Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Pool overlaps with other one on this address space
27091 actions.install 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ WARNING]: Aborting...
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: Calling remove
27091 actions.remove.progress 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: 0
27091 utils 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ INFO]: Resolving dependencies for keycloak
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ INFO]: Going to remove Keycloak (22.0.3-ucs2)
27091 cache 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
27091 cache 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 271 apps from cache
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ INFO]: Showing README for keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
27091 actions.configure 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: Calling configure
27091 actions.configure.progress 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: 0
27091 actions.configure 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ INFO]: Configuring keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
27091 actions.configure.progress 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: 100
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: Calling prescript (prerm)
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/5.0/keycloak_20230927180351.prerm does not exist
27091 packages 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: Holding LOCK
27091 actions.remove.progress 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: 5
27091 actions.remove.progress 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: 5
27091 actions.configure 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: Calling configure
27091 actions.configure.progress 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: 0
27091 actions.configure 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ INFO]: Configuring keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
27091 actions.configure 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: Calling /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/5.0/keycloak_20230927180351.configure_host remove --version 22.0.3-ucs2 --error-file /tmp/tmpamu0s14q --locale de
27091 actions.configure 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/5.0/keycloak_20230927180351.configure_host returned with 0
27091 actions.configure.progress 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: 100
27091 actions.stop 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: Calling stop
27091 actions.stop.progress 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: 0
27091 docker 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: Calling in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
27091 docker 24-01-18 17:48:53 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker-compose -p keycloak stop
27091 actions.stop.progress 24-01-18 17:48:54 [ DEBUG]: 100
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:54 [ DEBUG]: Calling in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:54 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker-compose -p keycloak stop
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:54 [ DEBUG]: Calling in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:54 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker-compose -p keycloak stop
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:55 [ DEBUG]: Calling in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/compose:
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:55 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker-compose -p keycloak down --remove-orphans
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:55 [ WARNING]: Removing network keycloak_appcenter_net
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:55 [ WARNING]: Network keycloak_appcenter_net not found.
27091 actions.remove.progress 24-01-18 17:48:55 [ DEBUG]: 45
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:55 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/update-rc.d docker-app-keycloak remove
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:55 [ DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/update-rc.d returned with 0
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:55 [ INFO]: Removing localhost from LDAP object
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:56 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:56 [ INFO]: Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:56 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0
27091 actions.remove.progress 24-01-18 17:48:56 [ DEBUG]: 55
27091 actions.remove.progress 24-01-18 17:48:56 [ DEBUG]: 60
27091 actions.remove.progress 24-01-18 17:48:56 [ DEBUG]: 70
27091 actions.remove.progress 24-01-18 17:48:56 [ DEBUG]: 80
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:56 [ INFO]: Uninstalling /usr/lib/univention-install/50keycloak.inst
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:56 [ INFO]: Installing join script /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/5.0/keycloak_20230927180351.uinst
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:56 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:57 [ INFO]: univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer.
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:57 [ INFO]: copyright (c) 2001-2023 Univention GmbH, Germany
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:57 [ INFO]:
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:57 [ INFO]: Running pre-joinscripts hook(s): done
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:48:57 [ INFO]: Running 01univention-ldap-server-init.in
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:50:01 [ DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts returned with 0
27091 packages 24-01-18 17:50:01 [ DEBUG]: Releasing LOCK
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:50:01 [ INFO]: Potential script hook folder is unused: /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/local/hooks/post-remove.d
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:50:01 [ INFO]: File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/i18n/de/apps.mo
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:50:01 [ INFO]:
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:50:02 [ INFO]: File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/modules/apps.xml
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:50:02 [ INFO]:
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:50:02 [ INFO]: File: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/55user_agent
27091 actions.remove 24-01-18 17:50:02 [ INFO]:
27091 actions.upgrade-search 24-01-18 17:50:02 [ DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search
27091 actions.upgrade-search.progress 24-01-18 17:50:02 [ DEBUG]: 0
27091 actions.upgrade-search 24-01-18 17:50:02 [ DEBUG]: Checking keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
27091 actions.upgrade-search.progress 24-01-18 17:50:02 [ DEBUG]: 100
27091 actions.remove.progress 24-01-18 17:50:02 [ DEBUG]: 100
27091 utils 24-01-18 17:50:02 [ DEBUG]: send_information: action=install app=keycloak value=Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Pool overlaps with other one on this address space
27091 utils 24-01-18 17:50:02 [ DEBUG]: tracking information: {'action': 'install', 'status': 417, 'uuid': '6e1fc2e6-25b2-4e64-8746-e442dcc5133f', 'role': 'domaincontroller_master', 'app': 'keycloak', 'version': '22.0.3-ucs2', 'value': 'Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver\nPool overlaps with other one on this address space\n', 'system-uuid': '76ca183d-2fb7-429a-a7ea-72ae53829ade'}
which didn’t work and now the UMC doesn’t show keycloak as being installed anymore.
I then upgraded manually with univention-app install keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
, output is:
root@ucs01:~# univention-app install keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
Falling back to initial value for keycloak/apache2/ssl/ca
Falling back to initial value for keycloak/csp/frame-ancestors
Cannot read ucs/self/registration/check_email_verification while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
Cannot read keycloak/password/change/endpoint while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
Configuring keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
Setting keycloak/server/sso/fqdn to 'ucs-sso-ng.servi.domain.net'
Setting keycloak/server/sso/path to '/'
Setting keycloak/server/sso/virtualhost to 'true'
Setting keycloak/apache/config to 'true'
Setting keycloak/server/sso/autoregistration to 'true'
Unsetting keycloak/apache2/ssl/certificate
Unsetting keycloak/apache2/ssl/key
Unsetting keycloak/apache2/ssl/ca
Unsetting keycloak/csp/frame-ancestors
Setting keycloak/cookies/samesite to 'None'
Setting keycloak/login/messages/en/accountNotVerifiedMsg to 'Your account is not verified.<br>You must <a id="loginSelfServiceLink" href="https://ucs01.servi.domain.net/univention/selfservice/#/selfservice/verifyaccount" target="_blank">verify your account</a> before you can login.<br/>'
Setting keycloak/login/messages/de/accountNotVerifiedMsg to 'Konto nicht verifiziert.<br>Sie m\\u00FCssen Ihr <a id="loginSelfServiceLink" href="https://ucs01.servi.domain.net/univention/selfservice/#/selfservice/verifyaccount" target="_blank">Konto verifizieren</a>, bevor Sie sich einloggen k\\u00F6nnen.<br/>'
Setting keycloak/login/messages/en/accessDeniedMsg to 'Access forbidden.<br>You do not have the needed privileges to access this application. Please contact the administrator that you do not have access to the service {0} if you find this to be incorrect.'
Setting keycloak/login/messages/de/accessDeniedMsg to 'Zugriff verboten.<br>Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Administrator, dass Sie keinen Zugriff auf den Service {0} haben, wenn Sie feststellen, dass dies nicht korrekt ist.'
Setting keycloak/log/level to 'INFO'
Setting kc/db/kind to 'postgres'
Setting kc/db/xa to 'false'
Setting keycloak/federation/remote/identifier to 'univentionObjectIdentifier'
Setting keycloak/federation/source/identifier to 'univentionSourceIAM'
Cannot write settings while keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 is not running
Installing univention-keycloak apache template
Installing Keycloak data/settings acl
Database keycloak already exists
keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2 already has its database
Already found cn=keycl-06955476,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,servi,dc=domain,dc=net as a host for keycloak. Trying to retrieve machine secret.
Downloading app images
Running command: docker-compose -p keycloak pull
Pulling keycloak ... done
Initializing app image
Running command: docker-compose -p keycloak up -d --no-build --no-recreate
Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Pool overlaps with other one on this address space
Command docker-compose -p keycloak up -d --no-build --no-recreate failed with: Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Pool overlaps with other one on this address space (1)
Creating network "keycloak_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Pool overlaps with other one on this address space
Resolving dependencies for keycloak
Going to remove Keycloak (22.0.3-ucs2)
Showing README for keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
Configuring keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
Configuring keycloak=22.0.3-ucs2
Removing network keycloak_appcenter_net
Network keycloak_appcenter_net not found.
Removing localhost from LDAP object
File: /etc/univention/service.info/services/univention-appcenter.cfg
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
File: /etc/apache2/sites-available/univention-letsencrypt.conf
Multifile: /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
Uninstalling /usr/lib/univention-install/50keycloak.inst
Installing join script /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/5.0/keycloak_20230927180351.uinst
univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer.
copyright (c) 2001-2023 Univention GmbH, Germany
Running pre-joinscripts hook(s): done
Running 51keycloak-uninstall.uinst done
Running post-joinscripts hook(s): done
Potential script hook folder is unused: /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/local/hooks/post-remove.d
File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/i18n/de/apps.mo
File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/modules/apps.xml
File: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/55user_agent
I remember that I had the error with the overlapping pool before, but I’m not sure, what my solution was. Could have been using docker-compose up --force-recreate network
The old keycloak 22.0.3-ucs1 was still up, so I shut it down and started again with docker-compose upL
Creating network "compose_appcenter_net" with the default driver
Creating keycloak ... done
Attaching to keycloak
keycloak | Changes detected in configuration. Updating the server image.
keycloak | Updating the configuration and installing your custom providers, if any. Please wait.
keycloak | 2024-01-18 16:52:07,032 WARN [org.keycloak.services] (build-20) KC-SERVICES0047: univention-saml-user-attribute-nameid-mapper-base64 [snip]
keycloak | ... 25 more
keycloak | Caused by: org.infinispan.manager.EmbeddedCacheManagerStartupException: ISPN000541: Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration '[TCP(bundler.max_size=64000, sock_conn_timeout=300, thread_pool.keep_alive_time=60000, diag.enabled=false, bind_port=7600, thread_naming_pattern=pl, thread_pool.thread_dumps_threshold=10000, send_buf_size=640k, thread_pool.max_threads=200, bundler_type=transfer-queue, external_addr=ucs01.servi.domain.net,
keycloak | at org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.internalStart(DefaultCacheManager.java:782)
keycloak | at org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.start(DefaultCacheManager.java:747)
keycloak | at org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.<init>(DefaultCacheManager.java:411)
keycloak | at org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.storage.legacy.infinispan.CacheManagerFactory.startCacheManager(CacheManagerFactory.java:96)
keycloak | at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
keycloak | at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136)
keycloak | at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635)
keycloak | at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840)
keycloak | Caused by: org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException: ISPN000541: Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration '[TCP(bundler.max_size=64000, sock_conn_timeout=300, thread_pool.keep_alive_time=60000, diag.enabled=false, bind_port=7600, thread_naming_pattern=pl, thread_pool.thread_dumps_threshold=10000, send_buf_size=640k, thread_pool.max_threads=200, bundler_type=transfer-queue, external_addr=ucs01.servi.domain.net, thread_pool.min_threads=0), RED(),
keycloak | at org.jgroups.JChannel.<init>(JChannel.java:123)
keycloak | at org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.EmbeddedJGroupsChannelConfigurator.createChannel(EmbeddedJGroupsChannelConfigurator.java:80)
keycloak | at org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.JGroupsTransport.channelFromConfigurator(JGroupsTransport.java:777)
keycloak | ... 30 more
keycloak |
keycloak | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,665 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) ERROR: Failed to start server in (production) mode
keycloak | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,665 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) ERROR: Failed to obtain JDBC connection
keycloak | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,666 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) ERROR: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
keycloak | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,666 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) ERROR: Connection refused
keycloak | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,666 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) For more details run the same command passing the '--verbose' option. Also you can use '--help' to see the details about the usage of the particular command.
keycloak | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,667 ERROR [org.jgroups.protocols.JDBC_PING] (Thread-4) JGRP000115: Could not open connection to database: java.sql.SQLException: The url cannot be null
keycloak | at java.sql/java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:664)
keycloak | 2024-01-18 16:52:17,667 ERROR [org.jgroups.protocols.JDBC_PING] (Thread-4) JGRP000215: Failed to delete PingData in database
keycloak ucs2 is running though
I didn’t have time to look into this. esp. the issues with the db and the network.
Just to make sure: You updated the 22.0.3-ucs2 or did you create a ucs3-Package I missed?
[The forum is limiting posts to 32k characters – I had to cut half of the output. Let me know if you need the full output.]