Hi all,
I have a little luxury problem and maybe some one can suggest me a solution for that.
I run the UCS in a VM on a Synology DiskStation 15717+ which works perfect.
The DiskStation (DS) handles also the Letsencrypt Certificates in case it’s easier to forward whit NGINX the SSL Port to the Kopano Webapp and z-push whit sub domains and also in case that several Services also running on the DS whit SSL support
To do it in the other direction was not successful in case the Folder on the DS where not reachable from the UCS and to update the certs was running in the well known error.
Anyway, know I have a user whit a poor SmartPhone, this SmartPhone is not supporting active sync (z-push) and I have to reach IMAP, POP3, Caldav and SMTP etc… through Kopano and UCS.
Is there a way, to import the cert.pem, chain.pem and privkey.pem in to the UCS and assign this to IMAP (can be this connection be encrypted to or is port 143 already encrypted?), POP3, Caldav and SMTP etc…?
Where should it be placed.
Will be great to find a solution, to update the every 3 Month manually is not a great thing.
Best Carmen