Hi, I am seeking guidance on how to map drives at login time for my users. I simply don’t know which Policy type to use. I have tried to use the “Desktop” template which appears to have a login script field. In this field, I have given the filename “general-drive-mappings.bat”. For just one user, I have added this policy and then I have created this file in /var/lib/samba/sysvol/domain/scripts
I can see this on the client computer and run it manually, but it does not run automatically. DNS is correctly set to point to UCS server
Perhaps this is just the “old” way to do this kind of thing?
Any help with getting login scripts to work from policies would be most appreciated. I do not have a background in Active Directory and have always created login scripts on the PCs to map drives and got this executed on the local machine user account.
Thank you