How-to: UCS - Create logout tile for the portal

How to:

To create a tile in the UMC for a direct logout, you can use the portal module or the edit portal function.

The direct logout works for SSO with simpleSamlPHP and Keycloak.

1st way: Portal module

Under Domain/Portal you have to add a new portal entry for the new tile.

Add new portal entry.

Choose the internal name and icon you need.

Set the language code for the display name and description.

For the direct logout you have to set the link /univention/logout.

Set the flag to activate the tile and save the settings.

The portal entry is now created and prepared and must be set using the portal edit function in the burger menu.

Add new Tile under Applications and choose ADD EXISTING ENTRY

Use the internal name to choose the created portal entry.

This sets the tile for use. Exit the edit mode to finish.

2nd way: Use the Portal edit mode

Another way to create a new tile is via the burger menu/edit the portal.

Add new Tile under Applications.

Create a new entry.

Set the needed information.

Choose your icon and save the settings.

After you exid the edit mode, you can use the new tile.

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