How to "Reset" Domain Controller


at the moment i have much Problems with my DC Primary, but i cant reinstall it, cause many Users are work with this accounts.

I want to Reset all except LDAP, Users, Groups and Devices.

What work wrong or dont work:

  • SAML no function
  • App Certificates and Links are regenerate every time (Rocketchat, Nextcloud, Wekan and more) but is not installed.
  • Domainjoin self service not work (PSQL make trouble after update to 5.0)
  • UCR Variables need a refresh (To do it manually i need much month)
  • Portal and webgui not state of the newest version (compared with fresh installed testserver)

I know “ucr commit” may solve some Problems, but how i can refresh the most of the server easy?

Or can i go another way, export my user, groups and other to migrate it to a new installed DC Master?

My Services are directly connected with ldap (Like Nextcloud ldap setting) but my Apps are in Kubernetes. I only need the DC for Users, Groups and my domain devices (Windows PC and other) for SSO and more.

I want to use Primary, one Secondary for Self-Service and one Backup for Backup, but i have much trouble with the actual state of my Primary Node :confused:
I use this DC since version 3.x.x and it is very old.

I hope anyone answer and may help.


