How to perform Linux distribution upgrade?

We run a Univention server that runs based on a Debian Buster distribution. The Debian Buster will no longer be available for security updates at the end of June. We use different servers on Debian, I inherited them from a retired administrator, and I have successfully updated all other systems using these instructions, but this does not work for the Univention server because the command sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*, there are no references to those repositories buster included that I could change.

What would I need to do to upgrade my server?

Univention UCS is not Debian, its based on Debian yes
UCS in current Version (5.0-7) is based on Debian 10
You have to wait for the version 5.x (the next upgrade should go to 5.1 (debian11) and 5.2 (debian12) in one step) should be available this summer


Thanks for the answer. So, is this a distribution? (Or something between an application and a distribution?)
