How To: Create Simple Authentication Users Through UMC

How To

Create simple authentication users through UMC


With UCS 4.3 Univention simplified the user types. As mentioned in the release notes there are now only three types of users.

Through UMC

Step 1

Start the UMC as administrator.

Step 2

Navigate to the domain tool (blue item)

Step 3

Select "LDAP-Directory" -> "users" -> "add" and then select as type “simple authentication user”.
Note: For ucs@school environment make sure to select the “users” container below the school OU, otherwise the user has full access for the whole LDAP tree.

Through udm

If you need to add the user via udm you can use a command like this:
udm users/ldap create --position=cn=users,dc=schein,dc=ig --set username=schnulli --set password='univention' --set overridePWLength=1