How-to: configure Webuntis for Keycloak
1 Step: prepare Keycloak:
1. In User Federation → LDAP → Mappers you have to add 5 additional Ldap attributes:
- ucsschoolRecordUID
- ucsschoolSchool
- ucsschoolRole
- uid
- username
2.Define your own scope “untis” under Client Scopes and set to “optional”.
now save and add the above five attributes to the “untis” scope in the Mappers tab.
3. Create a “webuntis” client under Clients:
- Client ID and Client Secret (must be synchronized between Webuntis configuration mask and Keycloak)
- Valid Redirect URIs according to this schema:
- single logout not possible at the moment
Use this secret in webuntis.
- Assign the scopes in the Client Scopes tab of “webuntis”, e.g. profile, email, untis
At least, for the logout flow, you should adjust the “Abmeldeeinstellungen” / “logoutsettings”: