How to check if the keyclock migration is complete?

Some time ago i do the kecloak migration to prepare for 5.2 but now when i run the pre check script i get the this errors.

Can i delete this objects ? How to really check if everything is using keycloak or not?


there is a migration Guide at 1. Introduction — Migration guide: SimpleSAMLPHP to Keycloak

You could run
univention-keycloak-migration-status --delete --create-sso-uri-setting

Which will

  • delete old and obsolete UDM objects used by SimpleSAMLphp and OpenID Connect Provider
  • and to create an UCR policy for the setting ucs/server/sso/uri used in UCS 5.2 to define the default IdP for services.

Be sure to follow the migration guide

Hello @osfal i do that some time ago… i belive november or december… in that time i follow eveyrhing… but now the things are different… so i don’t know if eveything was migrated or nor… and if i really can run that commands do delete thoose entries

You could run univention-keycloak-migration-status and check the output

That is wha i was running but then i get those warnings…
Last weekend i make a snapshot and them remove those entries… now i don’t have any error, and until now none of the users complain about login issues (windows clients and office365 connector)
For now i’m assuming everything is migrated… but still don’t push the bullet onto 5.2