How-to change timeouts for Univention-Management-Console (UMC)
Two ucr variables are responsible for UMC and related modules:
umc/http/session/timeout: 28800
After this time period in seconds the browser session is automatically closed and a renewed login is required. If the variable is unset, 300 applies (i.e. five minutes).
umc/module/timeout: 600
The Univention Management Console opens various processes for its modules (e.g. for user management). If a module isn't used for the time period configured here, the process is terminated and automatically restarted if the module is opened again.
To change these values use the ucr command itself. I.e. change session timeout to 36,000 seconds:
ucr set umc/http/session/timeout=36,000
You have to restart the related services in order to get the changes in place:
systemctl restart univention-management-console-server.service
systemctl restart univention-management-console-web-server.service