How to change POSIX uidNumber of Users
In case you need to reallocate your uidNumber attribute of your users you can use the following script.
Note: This is really rarely needed and it might have unforseen side effects. Use at your own risk!
# To be used to reallocate the POSIX uidNumber on a Univention UCS Master with Samba4
# It will reassign the uidNumber of the given users to the given target number per user.
# It updates the Samba ID mapping, too
# Input file is a list of DNs to be changed
# Syntax of the required file (without the leading hashes '#'):
# uid=USER1,cn=users,dc=DOMAIN,dc=DE;NEWUIDNUMBER
# uid=USER2,cn=users,dc=DOMAIN,dc=DE;NEWUIDNUMBER
# Settings
LDAPBASIS=`ucr get ldap/base`
for j in `cat $DATAFILE|grep -v "#" `; do
i=`echo -n $j| cut -d ";" -f 1`
nid=`echo -n $j| cut -d ";" -f 2`
echo "$i will change to $nid"
#Get data from openldap
univention-ldapsearch -x -LLL -b $i > /tmp/ucsldaptemp
OLDUID=$(cat /tmp/ucsldaptemp | grep uidNumber | cut -d " " -f 2)
SID=$(cat /tmp/ucsldaptemp | grep sambaSID | cut -d " " -f 2)
HDIR=$(cat /tmp/ucsldaptemp | grep homeDirectory | cut -d " " -f 2)
UNAME=$(cat /tmp/ucsldaptemp | grep uid: | cut -d " " -f 2)
echo $i
echo "SID = $SID"
echo "Username = $UNAME"
# Hier UID im UCS LDAP ändern
echo "dn: $i
changetype: modify
replace: uidNumber
uidNumber: $NEWUID" > /tmp/$UNAME.UCS.ldif
ldapmodify -D cn=admin,$LDAPBASIS -y /etc/ldap.secret -h localhost -p 7389 -f /tmp/$UNAME.UCS.ldif
# Change mapping im S4 idmap
echo "dn: cn=$SID
changetype: modify
replace: xidNumber
xidNumber: $NEWUID" > /tmp/idmapchange$OLDUID-TO-$NEWUID.ldif
ldbmodify --url=$IDMAPPFAD /tmp/idmapchange$OLDUID-TO-$NEWUID.ldif
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "$UNAME $OLDUID nach $NEWUID" >> /tmp/idmapchange_ok.log
rm /tmp/idmapchange$OLDUID-TO-$NEWUID.ldif
echo $i >> /tmp/idmapchange_error.log
cp /tmp/idmapchange$OLDUID-TO-$NEWUID.ldif /tmp/failed-idmapchange$OLDUID-TO-$NEWUID.ldif
chown -R --from $OLDUID $NEWUID $HDIR
# Add any commands you need. Ie "find /mnt/shares/firmendaten -uid $OLDUID -exec chown $NEWUID {} \;"
For the change to take effect in samba, winbind must be restarted and the name cache cleared (on master and share host)
root@dc0:~# net cache flush
root@dc0:~# /etc/init.d/winbind restart