Is there anybody, who can help us?
I ran into he same issue and need to change the SMTP-setting.
Unfortunatelly Relution does neither test the SMTP-settings before storing the configuration nor tell, HOW to change the settings after installation.
I also checked the installation guide, but the SMTP config does not exist in all application.yml
- I searched on the UCS and in the docker container.
The Univention version of Relution seems to be different to the stand-alone version.
It is a Univention-related issue!
If I call call Relution app in “Installed Applications” - “App Settings” I can’t do any changes there. After stopping Relution I get the message " The Applikation is not running. Changing the configuration is possible only, while application is running."
If I start Relution again, I still cannot change any setting (greyed out).
I think, Univention has to do their homework.
I did a
grep -i -r "relution@<mydomain>.de" etc media mnt opt sbin srv usr var
as I typed in the mail address in the Relution config
and found it in
After changing the first file (SMTP port) and restart Relution nothing happened. After changing the conf inside Relution to annother SMTP port and restart of Relution the new port is shown in Relution Configuration.