Has anyone connected UCS Saml to Fortinet/Fortigate successfully?

… and when yes how? Here on UCS 4.4.1

Very thanks.

Here some more information. Here the screenshot from the Fortigate SSO Interface:

I’ve entered this 3 Urls:


I also read the docs here and here.

But really it is complicated. I also contact us Fortinetsupport. But the said no support for thirdpartapps. So now I’am here. Maybe we can together find a solution.

So how i can find out, what is to configure in UMC in SAML-Section? Generaly Saml is working fine with kerberos. For example Rocketchat works.

Very Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey @boospy,

I know this post was really long time ago, however I would be interested if you ever succeeded to use UCS SSO with Fortigate?
Maybe you even migrated to Keycloak :thinking:

Unfortunately not.