Group policies does not apply to user profiles after takeover, RSoP-Data missing?

Hi there,
after taking over my Windows domain to the new UCS Primary- and Backup node, the group policies do not apply to user profiles.

The command gpupdate/force is providing an error message, saying that there is a connectivity issue with the domain controller, in order to execute the group policies.

The command GPRESULT /H and GPRESULT /R are telling me, that the user does not have RSoP-Data.
nslookup is providing the primary node correctly as default server.
ipconfig /all is showing the IP- and DNS settings correctly

The group-policies are available in the SysVol-folder of the Primary node.

I’ve even deleted the user profile from the UCS-domain, deleted the local user profile on the Windows client and created a new one with the same name. The user is authenticated correctly, but on the Windows client the user profile is now a local profile, not a roaming profile as expected.

Any hints what to do now? ThanX.

Ok, meanwhile I’ve tried a lot of things and would let you know how I’ve been aable to solve this issue:

Well, “solved” means here: I’ve reinstalled the Windows Client Computer.

It turned out, that the issue described applies only for one Windows Client, another physical and also a virtual test client on Windows 11 are working as expected.

Another strange thing that I’ve observed is, that the build-in “Administrator” account is not eligble for a roaming profile at all.
I’m using roaming profiles in my home environment, operated by two virtual UCS machines, and put the roaming profiles and the folder redirects for documents etc. on a NAS share. Works for all but bot the build-in “Administrator”. Folder redirections solely are working on the Administrator account too. This is not described anywhere afaik.

Now I’m heading for maintaining my GPO’s from the fresh installed Windows 11 client using RSATs.
