Hi there,
after taking over my Windows domain to the new UCS Primary- and Backup node, the group policies do not apply to user profiles.
The command gpupdate/force is providing an error message, saying that there is a connectivity issue with the domain controller, in order to execute the group policies.
The command GPRESULT /H and GPRESULT /R are telling me, that the user does not have RSoP-Data.
nslookup is providing the primary node correctly as default server.
ipconfig /all is showing the IP- and DNS settings correctly
The group-policies are available in the SysVol-folder of the Primary node.
I’ve even deleted the user profile from the UCS-domain, deleted the local user profile on the Windows client and created a new one with the same name. The user is authenticated correctly, but on the Windows client the user profile is now a local profile, not a roaming profile as expected.
Any hints what to do now? ThanX.