We are working on setting up the Google Workspace Connector into our established UCS and Google Workspace Environments.
Our google workspace is set up with our primary parent company domain: parentcompanydomain.com.
in the same google workspace, we have several other domains set up. Depending on what child company the user is employed at, their email may end with one of the domains: parentcompanydomain.com, childcompany01.com, childcompany02.com.
In UCS, each employee user has their proper email address set. For example, John Smith works for Child Company 01. His username is jsmith, and his email field is set to jsmith@childcompany01.com.
When I enable Google Workspace Syncing for this user, a google user with the email of “jsmith@parentcompanydomain.com” is created instead of it matching to the existing jsmith@childcompany01.com.
It seems the Google Workspace connector is set up to just create users with
{{username}}@{{primary workspace domain}}. Is there a way to change this to use the email field instead?
Thank you for your time.