Yes, and because it’s designed as a one-way-sync. No change in google users will be copied to UCS, only from UCS to gsuite.
The only way is to create UCS users and connect them to the existing Google users.
The data (firstname, lastname, email etc) will have to be copied manually - sorry.
I think - and sincerely hope - it’s impossible to extract passwords from Google users. They should keep only hashes, like UCS does. That’s why it’s also impossible to sync passwords from UCS to Google (regardless whether desirable or not).
To “connect” existing Google users to UCS users, you’ll have to retrieve two attributes from the Google user and write its value into the UCS users LDAP object (they can be retrieved from Google using GAM and set in UCS using UDM):
- Google users
attribute goes into the UCS users univentionGoogleAppsObjectID
LDAP attribute.
- Google users
attribute has to be written into the UCS users univentionGoogleAppsPrimaryEmail
LDAP attribute.
After doing that and then enabling the gapps support for the user, any change to a mapped attribute of the UCS users object… like the firstname, will trigger a synchronization. You can observe those in the log file /var/log/univention/listener.log