I want to standardise our ucs testing gear and for this I want to build an own “appliance” with a preset domain, the demo user app pre-installed (with added email addresses for the demo user), license file already imported.
The appliance is built with packer and you can find my current WIP code at https://github.com/fbartels/packer-ucs-kopano. To build it your own you need to download packer and have Virtualbox installed, afterwards you can run packer build box-config.json
which should take care of everything.
But… I am currently already failing at the initial install of ucs. At the end of the install process I am met with The 'grub-pc' package failed to install into /target/
. Searching on the internet suggests just connecting the machine (well those weren’t ucs installations) to the internet to fetch updates during install, but I already do see the install fetching packages from the Univention repositories.
Am I missing something in my preseed.cfg?
I took https://github.com/univention/univention-corporate-server/blob/1689dcd8699d6b88994c019a1bc39779e5d03607/services/univention-net-installer/TEMPLATE as a base which I merged with a working preseed for Debian 9 from https://github.com/geerlingguy/packer-boxes/blob/master/debian9/http/preseed.cfg.