GITLAB was installed via UCS Appcenter, after Installation i can't access gitlab

Hi Guys,

I installed Gitlab via Appcenter. Unfortunately I get an error message after installation:

The requested URL was not found on this server.

when I call GIT lab in the UCS portal.

After installing GITlab in a test domain and getting the same error message, I assume that something is not quite working here. Can someone help me there.

Use UCS 4.4.4 here. Thanks a lot.

Best reagards

Ähm… strange. Tested for a few minutes, it is working now. :roll_eyes: ok, fine. :smiley:

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Hello @boospy,

good to hear it is working after all.

After installation, GitLab needs several minutes to actually get ready and bring up the web service. It applies the configuration after installation and needs some time for it. Some patience is needed.

Best regards,



I can confirm this - it took a while but runs flawless afterwards, wicked!


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