File Level Backup


was ist denn die beste Metode Dateifreigaben vom UCS System zu sichern dass man sie komfortabel per Auswahl wiederherstellen kann, vergleichbar Microsoft Server Sicherung?

Liebe Grüsse


I guess from five users there would be 10 different answers to your question. Backup solutions should fit to you, not to anyone else.

Just make sure your solution backs up the ACL’s, too. Only in case you have configured some, of course. If not you might use gefaclt/setfacl or similar tools to store them in a file before backing up the share.

I, personally use BackupPC as backup solution. Runs fine and is based on rsync. Web based, once configured nearly “fire and forget”.


we use to backup our school servers, but rsnapshot also has its advantages.


how did you setup urbackup? as a server on your UCS-server? or just a client on your UCS-instances?
in any way: how did you do it?

urbackup is installed on a separate debian9 backup-box via FAI¹. urbackup packages are provided by my own (tested) reprepro repository.
urbackup-server on ucs: I would use the official uroni-docker image.


thats a great tool, indeed. thanks for hinting to it.

so you re running only urbackup-clients on your ucs.servers? with selftested packages?
thanks for the suggestion of running urbackup as docker. i am new to the docker-world. never created one myself. it looks easy. but afaik it isnt… or what do you think? would i need to adjust the installing path to my (UCS-) needs?

throw on a new virtual machine with ucs in the slave role and try it out.

Perhaps you also install to manage your non-ucs-docker containers.

learing by doing is the best way to become a professional.
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