Errors updating to postgreSQL 11 with kb-article

Hello together,

I have tried to follow this guide Updating from PostgreSQL 9.6 or 9.4 to PostgreSQL 11 to update my 5.0 server instances to postgresql11.

The most common error I get running these commands is after I run:

if pg_lsclusters -h | grep -q '^9\.6 '; then 
  pg_upgradecluster 9.6 main
elif pg_lsclusters -h | grep -q '^9\.4 '; then 
  pg_upgradecluster 9.4 main

I will in most cases get:

Stopping old cluster...
Disabling connections to the old cluster during upgrade...
Restarting old cluster with restricted connections...
Creating new PostgreSQL cluster 11/main ...
/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/initdb -D /var/lib/postgresql/11/main --auth-local peer --auth-host md5 --encoding UTF8 --lc-collate de_DE.UTF-8 --lc-ctype de_DE.UTF-8
Die Dateien, die zu diesem Datenbanksystem gehören, werden dem Benutzer
»postgres« gehören. Diesem Benutzer muss auch der Serverprozess gehören.

Der Datenbankcluster wird mit der Locale »de_DE.UTF-8« initialisiert werden.
Die Standardtextsuchekonfiguration wird auf »german« gesetzt.

Datenseitenprüfsummen sind ausgeschaltet.

berichtige Zugriffsrechte des bestehenden Verzeichnisses /var/lib/postgresql/11/main ... ok
erzeuge Unterverzeichnisse ... ok
wähle Vorgabewert für max_connections ... 100
wähle Vorgabewert für shared_buffers ... 128MB
wähle Vorgabewert für timezone ... Europe/Berlin
wähle Implementierung von dynamischem Shared Memory ... posix
erzeuge Konfigurationsdateien ... ok
führe Bootstrap-Skript aus ... ok
führe Post-Bootstrap-Initialisierung durch ... ok
synchronisiere Daten auf Festplatte ... ok

Erfolg. Sie können den Datenbankserver jetzt mit

    pg_ctlcluster 11 main start


Ver Cluster Port Status Owner    Data directory              Log file
11  main    5433 down   postgres /var/lib/postgresql/11/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-11-main.log

Disabling connections to the new cluster during upgrade...
Failed to start postgresql@11-main.service: Unit postgresql@11-main.service is masked.
Error: Could not start target cluster

So it seams to me that a unmask command is missing in the how-to.
At least I had more success with adding:

systemctl unmask postgresql@11-main

before triggering the database upgrade.

Best, Bernd

Thanks for the feedback, the ucr set postgres11/autostart='yes' command recommended in Updating from PostgreSQL 9.6 or 9.4 to PostgreSQL 11 - #2 should have triggered the systemctl unmask.

I get the same error although postgres11/autostart was set. I’m using the following script to perform the update which throws the error above without the systemctl unmask:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Based on

set -ex

if [[ "$(lsb_release --release --short)" != "10" ]]; then
    echo "Script can only run on UCS 5.0"
    exit 1

function assert_directory_does_not_exist() {
    if [[ -d "${1}" ]]; then
        echo "Directory ${1} already exists and would be overwritten."
        echo "Please create backups if necessary and remove the directory."
        exit 1

function assert_postgres_property() {
    local property="${1}"
    local expected="${2}"
    local found="${3}"
    if [[ "${expected}" != "${found}" ]]; then
        echo "The currently running PostgreSQL ${property} is not as expected!"
        echo "Found: ${found}"
        echo "Expected: ${expected}"
        exit 1

RUNNING_CLUSTERS="$(pg_lsclusters --no-header | grep online)"
assert_postgres_property "clusters count" "1" $(echo "${RUNNING_CLUSTERS}" | wc -l)

assert_postgres_property "version" "9.6" "${CURRENT_POSTGRES_VERSION}"

assert_postgres_property "cluster" "main" "${CURRENT_POSTGRES_CLUSTER}"


assert_directory_does_not_exist "/etc/postgresql/${WANTED_POSTGRES_VERSION}"
assert_directory_does_not_exist "/var/lib/postgresql/${WANTED_POSTGRES_VERSION}/main"


if [[ -f "${PKDB_SCAN_PATH}" ]]; then
    chmod -x "${PKDB_SCAN_PATH}"

systemctl stop postgresql.service
ucr set "postgres${WANTED_POSTGRES_VERSION}/autostart=yes"

# A notification will pop up informing the user that Postgres 9.6 packages are still installed
# althoguh they are deprecated. We pass `--assume-yes` to suppress these.
apt-get install --reinstall --assume-yes "postgresql-${WANTED_POSTGRES_VERSION}"

# See
systemctl unmask "postgresql@${WANTED_POSTGRES_VERSION}-${CURRENT_POSTGRES_CLUSTER}.service"

pg_upgradecluster -v "${WANTED_POSTGRES_VERSION}" \
                  --no-start \
                  "${CURRENT_POSTGRES_VERSION}" \


chown -R postgres:postgres "/var/lib/postgresql/${WANTED_POSTGRES_VERSION}"

systemctl restart postgresql.service

if [[ -f "${PKDB_SCAN_PATH}" ]]; then
    chmod -x "${PKDB_SCAN_PATH}"

univention-install --yes "univention-postgresql-${WANTED_POSTGRES_VERSION}"
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