Egroupware default & Domain Users can not see anything after logging in

I have main UCS server 2x replica UCS server, the mail server is on the replica call mail.
After getting the email server working, I wanted to get egroupware installed so I could have a replacement for Gmail. When I add a new user with the groups Domain user, Computer and Default they can login to egroupware but they only see the VIDOTEACH and nothing else.
I am missing something here or do I need to something else to give permission to my new user accounts?


You need to give your users the right to run EGroupware applications.

This is by convention done by placing all users in the Default group and your admins in the Admins group. This is the most easy way.
If you already have an all-users group, you can also give that group the necessary rights.

To give other groups run-rights for apps, log into EGroupware with an EGroupware administrator e.g. the domain-administrator Administrator, go to the Admin application, open the groups in the tree on the left, right-click on your the group and select Access control. In the opening popup select Group X run right for applications, click on the (+) button and check the applications you want to give rights for. Refer to the Default and Admins groups about what makes sense for regular and admin users.

There is also a forum run by EGroupware, which has a lot more EGroupware specific content e.g. HowTos and a category about running EGroupware on UCS:

