E-mail notification and PW resets in UCS and Mattermost

Hi, I’m a newbee in UCS and I’ve installed UCS 4.4 and mattermost. Everything is good, but I can’t log-in to Mattermost. I’ve created a new account and Mattermost asked me to verify the e-mail address, but I don’t receive an e-mail to verify.
Is there any specific UCS setting I have to do so that e-mails are send from UCS? Do I have to setup my own UCS mail server or can I simply specify an existing IMAP e-mail address/server to which (and from which) e-mails are send? At this point I do not really want to setup my own mails server if it’s not required

Update : Found E-mail under Domain or via search box, but when I click on E-mail , the screen remains grey and not data come’s up. No form or anything. I can still click on the Home button, etc. , but the E-mail settings are just grey (empty). Somebody an idea why this is?

Hi @Helix,

the Mattermost app is preconfigured for a mailserver running on the same UCS box (that you get when you install for example the mailserver or Kopano app from the UCS App Center).

If you don’t want to run your own mailserver (which is a fair point and something that still would need to be configured on your host) then you can set up an external server at http://mattermost-adress/admin_console/environment/smtp (System Console, Tab called SMTP).

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Hi @fbartels
thanks for your suggestion.
I’ve found out the problem(s)

  1. I was assuming I can use the UCS Administrator (capital “A”). This is apparently wrong and I can use only “administrator” (lower case “a”)
  2. With other UCS apps one can use UCS system user accounts, but no single UCS account is taken to the Mattermost user database.
  3. I’ve activated “e-mail verification” during installation. When it is disabled (Mattermost app settings in UCS console), there is no need for an e-mail server - as you pointed out.

I know that the first page is mentioning something about the administrator user, but I didn’t get it the first time I’ve read it and I thought it is the same as with other UCS apps.

anyways , things are now sorted.


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