By default, the kernel activates a console blanking timeout of 600 seconds. After reaching the timeout, the hardware terminal turns black. In case of a kernel OOPS, important debugging information may not be visible/accessible.
To disable console blanking, add consoleblank=0 to the UCR variable grub/append
and reboot your system:
ucr set grub/append="$(ucr get grub/append) consoleblank=0"
To prevent those setting from being over-written during system start, the values for the console setup must also be changed:
for conf in /etc/kbd/config /etc/console-tools/config
[ -f "$conf" ] || continue
sed -i -re 's/^[# ]*(BLANK_TIME=).*/\10/;s/^[# ]*(BLANK_DPMS=).*/\1off/;s/^[# ]*(POWERDOWN_TIME=).*/\10/' "$conf"