Diagnostics: the app listener queues contain unprocessed files

Hi, I’ve just noticed that a new diagnostics report is available on a Replica Directory Node that used to have the openproject app installed. It was removed a while ago, but there must be some remnants still as listener queue json files are piling up in the below directories.

This test checks whether there are unprocessed files in the App Listener directory /var/lib/univention-appcenter/listener/$AppName/ and Listener Converter directory /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/$AppName/data/listener/ of installed apps. 
Currently, there are unprocessed files in these directories. 
This could either mean that the affected app is currently processing these files or that there is some issue with the app queues. 
More information can be found in the app log files under /var/log/univention/.
The openproject Listener Converter has 538 unprocessed files.

I backed up and removed the files that had accumulated previously to see if that was it, however the 538 files above have accumulated since. I also made sure that the openproject app and container was gone which it is.

What do I need to do to stop the listener files for openproject being generated?

Hi all, wondering if I could get any advice on how to make sure that removed openproject app is completely removed including whatever is causing these listener json files to accumulate?

I’m assuming the listener files are accumulating due to the presence of the openproject.py listener file in /usr/lib/univention-directory-listener/system/ without the presence of the openproject app anymore? I’m guessing either a removal script didn’t clean up these files or something went wrong in my case? The app is showing as uninstalled.

So looking at the dev guide regarding listener modules 6. Univention Directory Listener — Univention Corporate Server - Manual for developers

I’m assuming I should be OK to remove the listener module and restart the service? A dpkg -S for that file shows no associated deb package for it.

So what I’ve done so far is to:

  1. Stop the univention-directory-listener service and remove the openproject.py listener module and the handler file.
  2. disable the listener-convert@openproject service
  3. remove the json files and restart the listener service.

So far have not seen the files return now. I assume that removing the openproject app in the app center left the listener/converter modules behind. I can see leftover docker image, config backup and database are still there too. But I’ll make sure this seems OK before removing those.

Is not removing listener modules standard behaviour or did something go wrong in this case?
