Looks like there’s still some remains there.
[code]root@ucs-1025:~# univention-ldapsearch cn=ucs-8317
extended LDIF
base <dc=flying-beast,dc=intranet> (default) with scope subtree
filter: cn=ucs-8317
requesting: ALL
ucs-8317, flying-beast.intranet, dhcp, flying-beast.intranet
dn: cn=ucs-8317,cn=flying-beast.intranet,cn=dhcp,dc=flying-beast,dc=intranet
objectClass: top
objectClass: dhcpServer
objectClass: univentionObject
dhcpServiceDN: cn=flying-beast.intranet,cn=dhcp,dc=flying-beast,dc=intranet
univentionObjectType: dhcp/server
cn: ucs-8317
search result
search: 3
result: 0 Success
numResponses: 2
numEntries: 1
[code]root@ucs-1025:~# univention-s4search cn=ucs-8317
ref: ldap://flying-beast.intranet/CN=Configuration,DC=flying-beast,DC=intranet
ref: ldap://flying-beast.intranet/DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=flying-beast,DC=intranet
ref: ldap://flying-beast.intranet/DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=flying-beast,DC=intranet
returned 3 records
0 entries
3 referrals
Connection --
Connection name: a25afce8-5a63-4860-9683-b21da29f3677
Enabled : TRUE
Server DNS name : ucs-8317.flying-beast.intranet
Server DN name : CN=NTDS Settings,CN=UCS-8317,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=flying-beast,DC=intranet
TransportType: RPC
options: 0x00000001
Warning: No NC replicated for Connection!
Edit: Got rid of the DHCP server entry for it, but looks like it still exists in samba?
Edit2: Also notice a lot of failures in the Neighbours but that doesn’t surprise me, usually means the IPSEC tunnels dropped out and didn’t reconnect.
I’d like to point out this is just a domain for my personal machines and my internal DNS so if I did need to nuke it from orbit and start again it’s not going to be a major headache/impact.