After one of the recent releases I started receiving emails from cron regarding backup of LDAP.
These messages contain only one line:
find '/var/univention-backup' -type f -mtime '+30' -regex '/var/univention-backup/ldap-backup_.*\.\(log\|ldif\)\(\.gz\)?'
I reviewed the script “/usr/sbin/univention-ldap-backup” and there is the reference to shared library “/usr/share/univention-lib/backup.sh” that contains this line:
echo "find '$backup_dir' -type f -mtime '+$max_age' -regex '$pattern'"
I guess, the ‘echo’ command was missing in previous releases.
I have already adjusted the template ‘/etc/univention/templates/files/etc/cron.d/univention-ldap-server’ by adding redirection of output to ‘/dev/null’, but I believe, this is just a workaround instead of solution of the issue.
Can this be reverted or fixed somehow because right now this kind of messages annoy really well?
Thanks in advance.