Cant reach Kopano Webapp

after a shut down of the server and a restart I cant reach the webapp anymore and also over the activesync I cant connect to my mails. The server runs and also the postfix give the feedback running. Any idea where I have to dig, which commando or which log helps further? Thx!

Both, webapp and z-push (for Active Sync) are web-applications served by apache2 in default - so you should look about apache2 webserver status and logs


Hello Externa1,
the command systemctl status apache2 gives back that the server runs (Active: active (running).

but systemctl status univention-managment-console-server “could not be found” and the same “univention-managment-console-web- server”

But now I found the mistake. One network cable wasnt right connected. Sorry for the confusion :frowning:
