Cannot start container in test app center

The app.ini requests the ucs-app-image: univention/ucs-appbox-amd64:4.2-2

when i try to install the application following error message appears in /var/log/univention/appcenter.log:

 28445 actions.start                    18-03-01 15:00:11 [ WARNING]: Job for docker-app-kitoma.service failed. See 'systemctl status docker-app-kitoma.service' and 'journal
ctl -xn' for details.
 28445 actions.start                    18-03-01 15:00:11 [    INFO]: Starting docker-app-kitoma (via systemctl): docker-app-kitoma.service failed!
 28445 actions.start                    18-03-01 15:00:11 [   DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/docker-app-kitoma returned with 1
 28445 actions.start.progress           18-03-01 15:00:11 [   DEBUG]: 100
 28445 actions.install                  18-03-01 15:00:11 [CRITICAL]: Unable to start the container!

and journalctl docker says:

Mär 01 14:59:59 ucs-5874 systemd[1]: [/lib/systemd/system/docker.service:22] Unknown lvalue 'TasksMax' in section 'Service'
Mär 01 14:59:59 ucs-5874 systemd[1]: [/lib/systemd/system/docker.service:25] Unknown lvalue 'Delegate' in section 'Service'
Mär 01 14:59:59 ucs-5874 systemd[1]: [/lib/systemd/system/docker.service:22] Unknown lvalue 'TasksMax' in section 'Service'
Mär 01 14:59:59 ucs-5874 systemd[1]: [/lib/systemd/system/docker.service:25] Unknown lvalue 'Delegate' in section 'Service'
Mär 01 15:00:07 ucs-5874 dockerd[1174]: time="2018-03-01T15:00:07.833766865+01:00" level=info msg="Error logging in to v2 endpoint, trying next endpoint: Get https://univention/v2/: dial tcp: lookup univention on no such host"
Mär 01 15:00:07 ucs-5874 dockerd[1174]: time="2018-03-01T15:00:07.840176913+01:00" level=info msg="Error logging in to v1 endpoint, trying next endpoint: Get https://univention/v1/users/: dial tcp: lookup univention on no such host"
Mär 01 15:00:07 ucs-5874 dockerd[1174]: time="2018-03-01T15:00:07.841560836+01:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.24/auth returned error: Get https://univention/v1/users/: dial tcp: lookup univention on no such host"
Mär 01 15:00:11 ucs-5874 dockerd[1174]: time="2018-03-01T15:00:11.517173351+01:00" level=error msg="containerd: start container" error="containerd: container not started" id=20a4183f1589d461bfec621e863182661d00aab4837f266919ede10174b51e1f
Mär 01 15:00:11 ucs-5874 dockerd[1174]: time="2018-03-01T15:00:11.519832408+01:00" level=error msg="Create container failed with error: containerd: container not started"
Mär 01 15:00:11 ucs-5874 dockerd[1174]: time="2018-03-01T15:00:11.703359195+01:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.24/containers/20a4183f1589d461bfec621e863182661d00aab4837f266919ede10174b51e1f/restart returned error: Cannot restart container 20a4183f1589d461bfec621e863182661d00aab4837f266919ede10174b51e1f: containerd: container not started"
Mär 01 15:00:15 ucs-5874 dockerd[1174]: time="2018-03-01T15:00:15.451988216+01:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.24/containers/20a4183f1589d461bfec621e863182661d00aab4837f266919ede10174b51e1f/stop returned error: Container 20a4183f1589d461bfec621e863182661d00aab4837f266919ede10174b51e1f is already stopped"
Mär 01 15:00:16 ucs-5874 systemd[1]: [/lib/systemd/system/docker.service:22] Unknown lvalue 'TasksMax' in section 'Service'
Mär 01 15:00:16 ucs-5874 systemd[1]: [/lib/systemd/system/docker.service:25] Unknown lvalue 'Delegate' in section 'Service'

The UCS is installed as a kvm guest, does the authentication open a connection back to the host?



the appbox image is a special kind of Docker image. It is more a virtual machine. Your ini also says

DockerScriptInit = /kitoma

This does not exist in the container (yet). In fact, the only reasonable value for an appbox image is /sbin/init. The use case of an appbox image is an App that is still shipped as a Debian package but wants to run inside a Docker container. The package is downloaded and installed inside the appbox image. This is done automatically, you only have to specify the DefaultPackages (Software tab in the Provider Portal).

Kind regards,

Thanks for the input. Is there a way to upload a app.ini? In the wiki the ini is described, but I’ve found no way to upload it. So I had to manually input all the data - which is errorprone. Especially as the fields are sometimes not easily identifiable as the app.ini counterpart.

For example the mentioned field


is displayed as:



You can in fact upload the ini file with the CLI for the App administration mentioned in

But uploading the ini is discouraged. Things that someone Else changes in the meantime are overwritten. Some sanity checks are only in JS, not in the backend.

As for the display: Yes, you are right. We thought it should be usable without knowing the internat names of the ini file. The field shown is DockerScriptInit. But it works as the ENTRYPOINT or CMD of the Docker File. For Appbox this has to be /sbin/init.
