Bulk users CSV file template

Hi all, anybody know how to create the CSV file to import users in UCS@school ? Where can i find a template?

please help.


Hey Talpo79,

there is no real template for the CSV import because it was built under the premise to make it adaptable to various CSV input file formats because the data provided by various school management software often differs.
To get the import running some configuration is required, unfortunately the corresponding manual is only available in German currently: UCS@school - Handbuch zur CLI-Import Schnittstelle — UCS@school - Handbuch zur CLI-Import-Schnittstelle

A small example however is provided here: 2.5. Zuordnung von Eingabedaten zu Benutzerattributen — UCS@school - Handbuch zur CLI-Import-Schnittstelle


The important thing is to define a mapping that matches at least every required attribute of UCS@school, either by providing a CSV file that matches the default format mentioned in the docs or by configuring the mapping accordingly.

Best regards

As an experimental approach, I suggest to do the following:

  1. Run an import with automatically generated test data and configuration.
  2. Copy the configuration file for that test data to the custom-config-file location.
  3. Edit the test data and config file to match your needs.
  4. Rerun the import until everything works as expected.
# Create two schools for experiments:

/usr/share/ucs-school-import/scripts/create_ou test01
/usr/share/ucs-school-import/scripts/create_ou test02

# Execute the test import. It will generate a CSV for 8 users and use a matching configuration:

/usr/share/ucs-school-import/scripts/ucs-school-testuser-import --staff 2 --students 2 --teachers 2 --staffteachers 2 --classes 2 --inclasses 2 --verbose test01 test02

# The generated CSV file:

ls -l test_users*.csv
cat test_users*.csv

# Copy the test-import configuration file to the default custom-config-file location. (It is OK to overwrite the empty config there.):

cp /usr/share/ucs-school-import/configs/ucs-school-testuser-import.json /var/lib/ucs-school-import/configs/user_import.json

# Start an import with the test CSV. It will automatically use your custom configuration. The import will not change the users (they are counted as `Modified`, even when in the DB nothing changed):

/usr/share/ucs-school-import/scripts/ucs-school-user-import -i test_users_???.csv

# Now change the name or a class in the CSV file and run the import again. The users attributes should be modified.

# Look at a users properties using:

udm users/user list --filter uid=USERNAME


i’ve tried many different csv formats but i have always the same reply:

The examination of the data failed.
UserImportJob #27 (dry run) ended with error.

Read users from input data: 15
Errors: 2
Entry | User | Error description

0 | <No name> | source_uid or record_uid are not set (source_uid='isbcfp-student' record_uid=None).
0 | <No name> | More than 0 errors.

It is not a problem with the CSV.

You have to configure in /var/lib/ucs-school-import/configs/user_import.json either a CSV column or a rule to generate the record_uid. The record_uid is a stable and unique identifier used to identify a system user and a row in the CSV.

In the example configuration file /usr/share/ucs-school-import/configs/ucs-school-testuser-import.json you can see:

        "scheme": {
                "record_uid": "<firstname>.<lastname>",

So, there the record_uid is calculated by concatinating two columns. The family name can change. So that is not the best solution. Better would be a unique ID from an upstream system. You’ll have to adapt this to your situation.
