Best solution for changing domain name?

we are running an UCS 4…4-3 server wich is used as Windows-Domainserver, Kopano, Nextcloud and OnlyOffice for 45 users The current domain is company.local. Now we like to change this to to get rid of certificate warnings.
What is the best solution for doing this? And without installing everything new. Can i just simply change the domain name in UCS settings?
Best regards

I think there was a statement recently here on the forum that changing the whole domain for a system is not recommended.

If this is your only motivation then you do not really need to change the domain imho. The certificate warnings are because your clients do not know/trust the root ca of your univention system. if you import it on your clients the warnings will go away.

Similarly when you want to get an “official” ssl certificate, just make sure that the domain this certificate is issued to resolves to your ucs system (which would just be an additional dns entry).

Unfortunately this does not work. We imported the servers certificate as “Vertrauenswürdige Stammzertifizierungsstellen”. But the warnings remain and we don’t find any solution.

Second motivation is, that we plan to use Kopano Meet in future together with external guests-

Have you looked at How to import UCS root CA on Windows clients

That is also not hard requirement. The domain can be configured since the last update.

I think you did not read/understood this line from felix

if you have an official SSL cert for your external domain e.g.
add an DNS forward zone to your UCS DNS server named with the internal IP of your UCS server hosting the webapplication or proxy

that is what’s called SPLIT DNS configuration

look at:


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