Benno-mailarchiv - failed to get host certificate - installation schlägt fehl


UCS 4.4.1. Beim Versuch, benno-mailarchiv über das AppCenter zu installieren, erhalten wir nur

 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:35:05 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 92f2b8dd10c27f2e2e9bc701ff32e8061db59ffa04a3d616e875733df0a7086c /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/setup --username Administrator --app benno-mailarchiv --error-file /var/univention/tmp/tmpqvvDIA --password-file /var/univention/tmp/tmp4n7jLh --app-version 2.4.6
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:35:05 [    INFO]: Joining
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:35:05 [    INFO]: univention-join: joins a computer to an ucs domain
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:35:05 [    INFO]: copyright (c) 2001-2019 Univention GmbH, Germany
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:35:05 [    INFO]:
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:35:05 [    INFO]: Search DC Master:  done
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:35:14 [    INFO]: Check DC Master:  done
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:36:10 [    INFO]: Search ldap/base done
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:36:16 [    INFO]: Search LDAP binddn  done
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:36:21 [    INFO]: Join Computer Account:  done
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:37:57 [    INFO]: Check TLS connection:  done
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:54:54 [    INFO]: Download host certificate: ..............................failed to get host certificate
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:54:54 [    INFO]:
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:54:54 [    INFO]:
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:54:54 [    INFO]: **************************************************************************
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:54:54 [    INFO]: * Join failed!                                                           *
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:54:54 [    INFO]: * Contact your system administrator                                      *
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:54:54 [    INFO]: **************************************************************************
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:54:54 [    INFO]: * Message:  Please visit for common problems during the join and how to fix them -- failed to get host certificate
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:54:54 [    INFO]: **************************************************************************
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:54:54 [ WARNING]: Something went wrong while joining the system
 24897 actions.install.container.92f2   19-08-26 07:54:54 [CRITICAL]: Something went wrong while joining the system

 24897 packages                         19-08-26 07:54:54 [   DEBUG]: Releasing LOCK
 24897 actions.install                  19-08-26 07:54:54 [CRITICAL]: Setup script failed!
 24897 actions.install                  19-08-26 07:54:54 [ WARNING]: Aborting...
 24897 actions.remove                   19-08-26 07:54:54 [   DEBUG]: Calling remove
 24897 actions.remove.progress          19-08-26 07:54:54 [   DEBUG]: 0
 24897 actions.remove                   19-08-26 07:54:54 [    INFO]: Going to remove Benno MailArchiv (2.4.6)
 24897 actions.remove                   19-08-26 07:54:55 [   DEBUG]: Calling prescript (prerm)

ps aux zeigte ständig diesen Befehl

root 30871 0.0 0.1 22068 6780 ? R 07:52 0:00 /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/sbin/univention-scp /etc/machine.secret -q -r benno-74286119$@ucs.blank.intranet:/etc/univention/ssl/benno-74286119 benno-74286119$@ucs.blank.intranet:/etc/univention/ssl/benno-74286119.blank.intranet /etc/univention/ssl/

Manuell aufgerufen gabs dann nur

root@ucs:~# /usr/sbin/univention-scp /etc/machine.secret -r benno-74286119$@ucs.blank.intranet:/etc/univention/ssl/benno-74286119 benno-74286119$@ucs.blank.intranet:/etc/univention/ssl/benno-74286119.blank.intranet /etc/univention/ssl/
ssh: Could not resolve hostname benno-74286119ucs.blank.intranet: Name or service not known
ssh: Could not resolve hostname benno-74286119ucs.blank.intranet: Name or service not known

Was läuft hier schief?

Der Benno-Support schreibt:

“das scheint nach erster Einblicknahme eher ein UCS-Problem zu sein. Eventuell wird durch ein Benno Paket etwas blockiert. Wenn der Join fehlschlägt, müsste der Univention-Support etwas dazu sagen können.”

Das gleiche hier bei einer existierenden Domäne. Bei einer neue funktioniert es. Scheint definitiv ein UCS Problem zu sein.

Und deshalb gibt es nun hier eine Anleitung inkl. UCS Integration:
