Automatic Updates / Upgrades


please could someone provide a HowTo do all Upgrades and Reboots at a specific time automaticly?
Thanks folks


There is a command line tool available. I remember the name being univention-update or univention-upgrade

Check the tool and it’s parameters. Once you have figured out what parameters you will need you can set up a cron job in /etc/crontab or /etc/cron.d.


As an alternative, a policy can be configured:

to be honest, i tried the policy method and have no idea what its doing when. could someone explan?

Can you be more specific? What did you configure, or what would you like to configure, and what did not work as expected?

Maybe this german blog article is helpful:
There is also an english version


great howto, thank you

i did it but it does not do the updates, the machine is assigned to the policy
while reboot does not do any updates, univention-upgrade shows pending ones


01.03.18 11:58:56.325 DEBUG_INIT
**** Starting univention-updater with parameter=[’/usr/share/univention-updater/univention-updater’, ‘net’, ‘–silent’, ‘–check’]
—>DBG:update_available(mode=net, cdrom_mount_point=/media/cdrom, iso=None)
Checking network repository
System is up to date

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 4.2-3 errata305

Checking for package updates: found
Please rerun command without --check argument to install.

root@ucs-Leister:~# univention-upgrade

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 4.2-3 errata305

Checking for local repository: none
Checking for package updates: found

The following packages will be upgraded:

Do you want to continue [Y|n]?

Yes the settings are correct (i think you can use the setting “all” instead of listing each month

but that policy is for app updates not for system updates - have a look under “Referenzierende Objekte” !

It may look like :

so with this policy there would be no package updates on UCS System files


is this policy also upgrading releases?


Do you mean such as from 4.2-3 to the just-released 4.3-0? It shouldn’t. The policy creates a Cron job that calls /usr/share/univention-updater/univention-actualise. That one doesn’t add new apt sources, nor does it run something like univentio-upgrade
. Instead, it executes the command set via the UCR variable update/commands/distupgrade which is basically apt-get dist-ugprade with certain settings facilitating unattended upgrades. Even if it’s called dist-upgrade, it really doesn’t as the apt sources aren’t modified.

Kind regards,

so after the first test, ucs 4.3 is breaking kopano installations
i have to prevent upgrade to 4.3!!!

is this the correct policy and setting not to do upgrade to new releases?


Hi @cpzengel,

please see


it is. To make this very clear:

Enabling the option (check box) called “Activate release updates (Errata updates are activated by default)” and leaving “Update to this UCS version” empty will update systems from e.g. 4.2-3 to 4.3-0.

Kind regards,


still the same Problem. The UCS is on Version 4.4.4 but won’t update to version 4.4.6.
Has anyone a functional update policy?
The assigned policies are app-release-updates and app-update-schedule. Both connected to the UCS.
